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Author Archives: Editor

Ladakh Adventure by Deepak Dalal | Book Review

Ladakh Adventure by Deepak Dalal | Book Cover

Growing up without adventure stories will make our childhood incomplete. The joy of exploring new places in the school holidays is one of the most anticipated activities for children of all ages. And especially teenagers as they have opportunities to go to school trips and campings with their friends and discover the joys of learning from the school of nature ... Read More »

An Atlas of Impossible Longing by Anuradha Roy | Book Review

An Atlas of Impossible Longing by Anuradha Roy | Book Cover

Anuradha Roy has been making waves in the world of Indian authors writing in English since her debut in 2008 and has many awards and prize nominations to her credit. It was by chance though, that we came across her work while browsing in a library looking for something entirely different. Book Title : An Atlas Of Impossible Longing Author ... Read More »

The League of Extraordinary Gentleman | Movie Review

As the science fiction of the previous century has become today’s reality, the world of fantasy and adventures has expanded to more futuristic adventures of characters that first appeared in comic books but now rule the world of blockbusters set in Marvel and DC comic universes. There are now many versions as well as permutation combinations of such characters – ... Read More »

Musafir Café by Divya Prakash Dubey | Book Review

Musafir Café by Divya Prakash Dubey | Book Cover

There was a time that all of us read Hindi literature with a lot of love, sometimes as part of the curriculum and sometimes because the stories had a flavor of real India that made a lot of sense to us and as our lives were back then. Then suddenly we had this wave of well-educated writers presenting Indian stories ... Read More »