Home / Interviews / Anuj Tikku Talking About Blogging For Diamond | Author Interview

Anuj Tikku Talking About Blogging For Diamond | Author Interview

Anuj Tikku, a professional travel blogger from India, has decided to compile his travelogue in the form of books. It is a good decision. It allows people to read all the related articles at a single place, all in a compiled manner. It also helps them discovering most of the stuff related to their topic of interest.

If you are planning to travel somewhere then collecting all the important information about the place, the options to stay there, the options to eat there, the kind of resources you need to be equipped with,… etc; are very important points to take care about. And a collection of unbiased information generated through personal experiences; is the best tool to achieve the same.

Anuj Tikku - A Professional Travel Blogger From India During One Of His Expedition

Anuj Tikku – A Professional Travel Blogger From India During One Of His Expedition

Anuj’s books are getting popularity slowly. Here are quick links to our unbiased book reviews for some of his travel related books.

We’ve also got a chance to talk to him in regards to various books we’ve read and reviewed. We found him a quite non-formal straight-forward fellow. Recently we got another chance to have a small Q/A session with him. This conversation is in regards to his Blogging related book Blogging For Diamond. This book is, in a sense, a sequel to his book “Blogging For Gold”. You can read our unbiased reviews for both these books at the below given links:

Let me share the small Q/A session we’ve with you without any further delay :). But before that, here are Quick links to all the Q/A sessions we have had with him so far.

Over to the author interview…

Blogging for Diamond is a sequel to Blogging for Gold, at the same time it is a complete book in a sense. Can you share with us that how did the idea of this book is conceived and how are the chapters and their orders decided?

Blogging for Diamond is the next level of blogging. This is for Professional Bloggers who want to make serious money from blogging and want to now take it up as a full-time job. Blogging for Gold was for ammeter bloggers who are just starting with blogging but doing it part-time or as a hobby. The techniques that are discussed are more advanced. It is me sharing my blogging experience but to a more mature blogger. The chapters and their order have b taken from my real life experiences with blogging.

In any business, the strategy is a key thing. And, usually, no businessman shares his/her strategy (which worked and the points which didn’t work) with the others. Blogging however is a different kind of profession where I see bloggers wholeheartedly share the things which worked for them and even the things which didn’t. What is your take on it? And, what are your reasons to share it?

See, I have no problem sharing my success mantra with others, I know I am unique and so is my style of writing, so I am not jealous that others will steal my success mantra. I want more and more people to leave their day jobs and make money from blogging at least enough to support themselves at least.

Can you share something about your upcoming web series? Or is it too early to share?

The pre-production work for the web-series is on, we are doing the casting and reworking the screenplay. It is based on my book “I ALSO SLEPT WITH RASHMI VERMA”, which is an adult campus comedy. We are still looking for the lead protagonist Rashmi Verma. Do let me know if you can find someone.

What keeps Anuj motivated for blogging regularly?

Well, there is nothing else for me to do the whole day. I am not looking actively for acting work, therefore writing is all that I can do sitting at home. I do enjoy seeing that now I am selling more books per month. In May I sold 50 ebooks online and made some good money. That helps me keep going and off-course my friends encourage me. If I can find a partner who enjoys the same things as me that would really help.

Contrary to most people’s beliefs blogging is not a very easy job. It is nothing less than a business where you usually need to put double efforts than that of doing a day job. We have had sent messages during late nights also. Please share your personal experiences of the hard work a blogger need to do in order to run a blog which make a mark, commercial success will come later.

There are no short cuts at all! If you are a blogger you have to do multitasking, think on different levels. I did not make one rupee the first two years of starting a BLOG. But then I believed in what I was doing. You have to be patient rewards will come but not how and when you want them to come. You have to put more effort into it than your regular job also. It is like any other business. Statistics show that only 5% of the blogs on the internet make any money, rest are all blogging graveyards, the internet is full of them.

You read and see a lot of videos and advice from great bloggers of the past, but just because something worked for them does not mean it will work for you. You will make mistakes, blunders, be disappointed, but to keep going is the only advice I can give.

There will be light at the end of the tunnel, you have to wait some see the light early, some get it late. The only rule is there is no rule. Keep improving your skills, writings and be aware of the latest technology in your field.

Of course, the aim is not to demotivate the blogging enthusiasts, but just to make them aware with the realities and prepare them for the challenges.

Yes. it is important to give them the bitter pill first that you will not get results immediately , you have to work consistently and wait for results to come . Be patient and perceiver.

How was your experience with hiring trainees during the campus interview you’ve arranged before Kumbh Mela? Can you share more?

Well, I did goto hire trainees from my old institute, but no one bothered to get interviewed. I was only paying Rs 20,000 a month as stipend, I guess people. Did not want to work for such a low amount. In MBA institutes its a matter of pride what your salary or stipend is. Nobody came forward. But I did get some volunteers for my EK KA DUM event at the Kumbh ka Mela they helped win my Rs 1 collection drive and I am grateful for that.

Do you accept guest posts at Tikku’s Travelthon? If so, how can someone approach you in the same regards?

Yes, I do except guts posts. In fact, we have a section called “MEHMAN” which is for guest posting. Many people have written for my blog. All you need to do it write to me and send me your post and topic on a word format with some pictures, I will publish them for free. We don’t charge for guest posts.

Cyber Security is something one cannot ignore these days. As you have shared in the book – Blogging for Diamond – you yourself was almost robbed with around 2000 USD. Somehow the mobile alerts, Credit Cards helpline and other aspects (in addition to being vigilant worked in your favor. What are the basic precautions everyone should take in these aspects?

Read my book BLOGGING FOR DIMOND all has been revealed :).

Remembering too many passwords is a headache for many people, so they use guessable password and tend to use the same password for many identities? As being a professional, how you see it, and what will you advise here?

Try to have a very unique password completely unrelated to name, place, year or person; like ABRAKADABRA.

Creating video content is not an easy task, however the gadgets made it quite comfortable these days. Will you share some base tips here?

Yes, I have a Canon 5D camera and use GoPro 5 to do my videos, the editing is done by professionals, it gives the video that added zing. A professional video with an opening and closing and signature tune is a must.

I am a professional blogger and the quality of my work should say so.

Over To You:

Hope you have enjoyed the Q/A session with him. And many of your questions might be already answered. Let us know that what do you think about this Interview session? Do you want us to ask anything else to him on your behalf? Do let us know. Also, let us know which other authors you like us to interview? Do let us know your thoughts and remarks via comments below. Do not forget to share this article with your friends over various social networks via Twitter, Facebook and others. And yes, you may like to subscribe to our RSS feeds and follow us on various Social networks to get latest updates for the site to land right in your mail box.

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