Having a Juggler juggling 5 red balls, the cover page of Safari Magazine – December 2014 issue looks pretty attractive! It breaks its stereotype cover page theme which otherwise give the impression of a nature oriented magazine. A welcome change!

Safari Magazine – Dec 2014 Issue – Cover Page
A high resolution photograph of the bar headed geese under the title -The high fliers – printed on the inside cover page looks attractive.
No magazine is complete without an editorial. It joins the reader with the editor by giving the reader an opportunity to know the views of the editors about the current happenings and the content of the magazine in the context. This issue lack editorial as the downside.
We are sure that many times you came across seeing the discarded tail of a lizard keep writhing! Didn’t you wonder at the time and though whether the tale is still alive after being detached from the main body? Or will it join the body and reconstructed if tried putting together? There is a well written small one page article which is worth a read in such case.
Those who are working with the overseas client are familiar with having more than one timezones and day light time switching on specific day of the years in many countries like USA. India is very big country in terms of size and sometimes people feel that the daylight is not the same at the various areas of the country at the same time. So whether it is advisable for the country to have more than one time zones? A small article about the same is a good read. What about asking the readers their opinion when having such articles? It will make the magazine a bit more interactive.
Many times we consider several things, obvious, and part of our life that we didn’t ask questions about the same. Pizza – one of the favourite foods of many, is found being eaten in almost all major countries. Have you ever wondered about it’s discovery? A comparatively smaller article about the same tries giving you answers of the same. We feel that the article could have been more detailed.
We found a good article written by Samarth Vyas answering some of the real life questions interestingly. It is a Q/A segment talking about the following points in “What is actually happening in our bodies when …?” context. We like the approach. Here are the questions answered (in the same context):
- Growling in the stomach when one is hungry.
- The nose becomes runny during common cold.
- The irresistible urge to scratch the itchy skin.
- One just cannot prevent himself from vomiting.
- Acute toothache when eating something ice-cold.
- Make one see stars in the broad daylight.
- The need for emptying bladder frequently in winter.
The article about Juggling and Juggler(s) is written in interesting manner. On one hand it talks about various Juggling methods like Shower, Fountain and Cascade; on the other hand it talks about Jugglers in the ancient times in Greek and Egypt. A large amount of photographs and illustrations make the article more effective.
The animal lovers will like a detailed article about – Skunk.
A reality check on Indian artillery’s firepower is interesting read.
Adventures are adorable because of the thrill it gives! Probably the thrill is the feeling which motivates one to do the things which are rather consider dangers, be it bungee jumping, sea surfing,…. or cliff diving. An article about the Mexico’s cliff divers who are diving from eerie height is a thrilling article in itself. It is written in detail.
Since many years (or shall we say decades) the mystery keeps revolving around the “Bermuda Triangle”. The area is considered to have some mysterious forces which sucks anything from ships to aircrafts! Many unexplainable incidents adds to the myth. It is an interesting topic for the readers since years, and an article in this issue focused on the same proves, that it is sill “in thing”. The article tries explaining the things in scientific manner at places.
The Q & A : Fact Finder : segment have answers for the following questions:
- What determines the life expectancy of passenger aircraft like Boing-734, Boing-747 and Airbus-300?
- Why a horse’s eyes are covered with a blinder?
- Why is glass transparent while wood and other solid materials are opaque?
- Is it possible to see large asteroids without the aid of telescope?
- Which is the deepest canyon in the world? Where is it situated?
- Red ants bite but black ants do not bite; why?
- Why do we feel cold when we got fever even though our body becomes hot?
- What makes a payload rocket appear to shed a huge amount of debris during takeoff?
- Where is the largest wind turbine situated?
The “all about” article about Pluto (the dwarf planet) is written nicely and will found interesting especially by the astro-lovers.
Overall a balanced issue which is focused on varieties. The content it comes with is really good. If you are interested in quality reading, you shouldn’t miss it.
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Don’t forget to read our review articles for the previous issues of Safari; we are sure you will enjoy reading them.