As the June 2014 issue of Reader’s Digest magazine (India Edition) reach late to us the delayed reviews for the same are here now.

Reader’s Digest (India Edition) – June 2014 issue
This is the second issue in the new design layout. The cover page is attractive. Even the table of contents is restructured and is appealing.
Editor Mohan Sivanand talks about how Reader’s Digest is a key factor which made possible to get the book and the classic movie on the same; The Longest Day. It is interesting paragraph to read. (And there is a very detailed article on the same, which is a very good reading material.) Here are quick product links for you in case you like to purchase these critically acclaimed products:
- The Longest Day Book @
- The Longest Day Book @
- The Longest Day Movie @
- The Longest Day Movie @
Here is the movie trailer from the public domain of YouTube for Quick reference:
The second segment of editorial is definitely worth a read. It shows how an why a good story for – kindness of strangers – section was decided by the editorial team to not to be included in the issue!
Susannah Hickling’s article about Marc Koska is inspirational. For those who don’t know about him, he is the inventor of “non-reusable K1 auto-disable syringe”. He runs a movement against the re-use of a syringe (which is responsible for the spread of so many disease in a remarkably large number of cases – if reused) since more than 21 years! The article tagline – Everyday heroes – suits to the article pretty well. If you want to know more about Marc, his official website is
There is a small article about sibling rivalry at early age and how could it be possibly lead to healthy bond over time. The article is an interesting read.
There is a small interview with Pulitzer prize winner American author Anna Quindlen, which may be found interesting by the lovers of her book.
In My Opinion – section every time brings something relevant and happening. This time it discusses with “Free Speech” in India. Author have represented his views in quite detailed article.
How to light up the world – is a small article. It is strictly for those who believe in values.
You must not skip the – Art of Living – section. No, it doesn’t contain some hypothetical or philosophical stuffs. IT rather discuss about something which are real and directly associated with your life. The effects of these stuffs on your life can be experienced by you.
Happiness – is quite interesting topic. Everyone wants it and everyone has a different perception of it. Sometimes people run after what he/she thinks can bring him/her happiness, and once he possess it, he may or may not find happiness!!! Very philosophical right?! If you want to have lighter reading on the topic, there is a small article inside this issue to with.
The Dalai Lama‘s Ski Trip – is an interesting read. Don’t skip it.
There are some health oriented articles including a small article on sub standard medicines. The issue is actually not as small as many of us considers it and hence ignores it. The effects of the life style are clearly visible on one’s health. And now a days the proportion of people working on chair is growing. The adverse effects of the same are also be seen clearly now. Obesity is not the only problem it leads! There is an eye opener article about the same in this issue, which all the young readers should must go through.
My day as a dancing queen – is for a selected group of readers. The article about “Carl Sagan” is very well written. The effects of TV/Books/Magazines/Movies on our mind at early age is written in very realistic manner. As the article moves ahead, you will also start feeling that, oh I also have similar thoughts or experiences for some things (or characters). It glues the reader to the article.
Travel lovers find the article about Trans Siberian Railway very interesting. Though we feel that such articles should be armed with more photos.
A major part of this issue is devoted to the results of the survey about – most trusted brands – 2014. You may skip it and put it as the last thing in – the content to read – for this issue.
The – Real Life Drama – brings a quite unbelievable but true – story. You will find it thrilling and interesting.
Overall a balanced issue which returns the value of your time and money you spent to read it. It is good reading option to with.
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