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Reader’s Digest India | April 2017 Issue | Magazine Reviews

Reader’s Digest is one of the quality magazines we love to read on regular bases. It is not only full of quality articles but also contains some of the positive news from around the world. Though it contains a lot of advertisements, it is still one of the magazines worth to go for.

April 2017 issue of Reader’s Digest (India Edition) is published quite on time and we in fact have completed reading it early this month; we however were busy with some other stuff, which delayed publishing this article.

The cover page and the editorial:
Reader's Digest (India Edition) : April 2017 Issue : Magazine Cover

Reader’s Digest (India Edition) : April 2017 Issue : Magazine Cover

The cover page of this issue is quite decent. We can say that the cover page is Indian-ised. We often say (rightly of course), that the first impression lasts, and the cover page of any media is thus very essential. The editorial by Sanghamitra is thoughtful too. While the editorial of the last month was a little bit serious as the editor have to take note of the board exams scheduled around the country, this time it is quite light. In addition to talk about the humour and related aspects the editorial talks about some of the fake news spread through the media. While some individuals and groups have made WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media sites a place of junk news (in addition to some really important news and true facts) affecting it’s credibility. Some media houses also publish the things without getting the facts double checked (or even checked). Remember the death hoax of famous Indian actor Vinod Khanna recently?!

While the news, media or social platforms gives an opportunity to be heard, and prove you point and even initiate or take part in a revolution; the responsible behavior is also expected from the one who posts the stuff.

Scamming the scammers:

With the rise of the Internet and especially wide reach of Email, a new kind of scams are started. And it is not something started in recent couple of years. An email asking for some generous stuff is now a thing of past. Now there comes Email offering you some remarkable amount! Yes, there are many millionaires (fake) around the world who dies almost daily(!) without having a successor and they want to give those millions to you or me (wow!). The only thing we need to do is transfer some money for the attorney or money transfer fee, and we will get those millions! (rubbish!).

It seems so tempting and almost unbelievable right? Then don’t believe it, simple.

In most of the cases you need to ignore such Email, but if you want to play off with the sender, the communication shown in the magazine is quite interesting.

You may like to read: Fake calls received article, based on our real experience.

Bookaroo (the book festival)

It is one of the nice initiatives taken in the interest of the young readers. While their official website is not very up to date ( – the page meant to show details for 2012 festival, shows information about 2016!), it is worth visiting to know more about it., and this is not the website review :), so we are not talking much about the website. The cause for starting this literary event is worth appreciation and a small article in this issue of Reader’s Digest give you consolidated information about it nicely.

Embrace Compassion is small and worth reading article co-authored by Dalai Lama is worth reading. The article gives you the feeling of “we want to read more… :)”.

The case of a forgotten name falls in legal drama which happened in real. What should be the verdict of the case according to you, and what came in by the judge is quite interesting to explore. Telling more than this will be spoilsport, so we are going to avoid it.

Some positive news

This article is explored in two pages and explores four incidents. While there are so many positive things happening around us getting unnoticed, we definitely want more such stuff should be explored here.

Health related stuff

Caring for our minds by Dr. Vikram Patel is good article. Currently we are living in the world where stress doesn’t spare anyone. Taking care of ourselves should be the top most priority for each of us. This article doesn’t bring anything out of the box, and reminds the stuff which is known by many of us. It is worth reading though.

Art of Living is also a similar article. It focuses on reusing the things. Currently we are living in material world where we find better alternatives for almost each and every consumables/goods (Television set, mobile phone, Laptop, Desktop, food items, clothing, you name it…); the art (or even the habit) of reusing things is getting lost. This creates a big problem of dumping them. While some of them (like plastic) are un-dissolvable, some creates harmful radiation (like computer peripherals), it became a biggest headache for the progressed countries, and rising as a bigger problem for developing countries. We hope that the people start re-using the resources (including energy) as much as possible, for the better future of the Earth and the humanity.

It is summer vacation time so if you are expecting mention of some of the nice visiting places around India in this issue, you will not be disappointed. The article is not giving in-depth information for any of the place though (as expected by a tourist to makeup his/her mind).

It happens only in India

We are now used to with this slogan (or phrase) right? We see many articles on this theme on Quora as well. The cover story of this issue is titled so, and thus there are many unique attributes (some to be proud of and some to not) of India are explored. You should read this article by considering it a satire, to get the maximum of it, without developing any prejudice(s).

The poem that saved a forest – seems the title of a an unbelievable / fantasy fiction right? The article with the same name tells something different though. The sub heading of the article tells correctly that “it depends upon who read it”. The article is definitely worth reading.

The shallows is kind of unbeilable story again. If you can survive from Shark that it is kind of getting a new life right? It is rightly said that the truth is often stranger than the fiction. Travel lovers will find this article more interesting.

There are many other articles and regular segments which are worth reading.

We must say that we got to read this issue for free (via JioMags – part of Reliance Jio Subscription offer), and we love the time we spent reading it. Especially the articles about “importance of togetherness and how a family with strong bond, lives happy and healthy life” are worth reading.


Definitely a worth reading issue of a magazine. You can however expect more detailed articles and a little few advertisement (however advertisements are their main source of earning, we cannot comment on how many should be there).

Over to you:

Have you already read this issue? What you think about it? Do let us know your views about this article via comments below, we like to read you. And yes, do not forget to share this article with your friends over various social networks via Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and others. And yes, you may like to subscribe to our RSS feeds and follow us on various Social networks to get latest updates for the site to land right in your mail box.

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