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Invincika | A Sci-Fi By Varun Sayal | Book Review

Invincika | A Sci-Fi By Varun Sayal | Book Cover

Reading is to mind what exercise is to the body. We firmly believe in this proverb. Reading is one of the best ways to convey our thoughts, feelings, messages, almost anything we want to convey, effectively. When reading something interesting, our brain starts creating visual scenarios for us. It takes us deep into a virtual world. Anyway, what reality is, ... Read More »

The Inspiring Story of Zoho By Abhish B. | Book Review

The Art of Bootstrapping to Billions: The Inspiring Story of Zoho (Indian Unicorns) By Ashish B. | Book Cover

With the popularity of TV Shows like “Shark Tank India” amongst others, more and more people are leaning towards entrepreneurial journey. Of course, the nature of a person is almost pre-defined, but, when you find some supportive explorations and similar cases executed successfully, your confidence in your central thought gets reinforced for sure. If you want to simply earn money, ... Read More »

The Branches of Time by Luca Rossi | Book Review

The Branches of Time by Luca Rossi | Book Cover

The perks of being a book lover includes getting exposed to the foreign talents also. In one such interaction we came to know about Luca Rossi. It was a long ago he shared the review copy of his book The Branches of Time. The belongs to one of our favorite genre, Fantasy Fiction. Exploring this book took us to a ... Read More »

ZIDD! by Hetansh Desai | Book Review

ZIDD! by Hetansh Desai | Book Cover

Since a few months, we are getting overwhelming response to our unbiased book reviews and we are happy for that, obviously :). Adding to the list, Hetansh Desai approached us with his book – Zidd!. This book review is unbiased as always. We have a special feeling for the author who genuinely come up with fresh writing. The genre could ... Read More »

Yayati By Vishnu Khandekar | Hindi Book Review

Yayati By Vishnu Sakharam Khandekar | Hindi Version | Book Cover

Bharatiya (that is Indian) literature fascinates our team. It is the richest literature known to the mankind that explored all the possible emotions, situations, times, knowledge and wisdom of respective times. The tales (regardless of the fact that you consider them mythology or history) are intended to convey life lessons (if you want to learn, and if you don’t want ... Read More »