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Google What Do You Love aka WDYL – MashUp By Google | Informative Review

It came to a few people’s attention that “What Do You Love” which was originally hosted at have got a home at; because Google launched it silently.

Google WDYL (Short for “What Do You Love”) seems like a mash-up integrating various Google Widgets at a single place. The positives of mash-ups are variety of information about a single topic are available in the same page. Eg. If you search for “Arnold Schwarzenegger” in classic search engine, it returns the URLs regarding the search query, mashup returns Images/Videos/News/Search Results all at a single place; for example. There are a variety of APIs and popular mashups are there all over the web; we may discuss the mashups in future; but this is just to give the basics about.

The home page of WDYL looks like standard Google home page, the difference is the search button is replaced with a button having HEART symbol (Love you know!).

Google What Do You Love Home Page

Google What Do You Love Home Page

Here is what you will get when you perform a search for “Books” in WDYL.

Search Results for "Books" in Google WDYL

Search Results for "Books" in Google WDYL

And here is what you get when you search for “Harry Potter”

Search results for "Harry Potter" in Google What Do You Love?

Search results for "Harry Potter" in Google What Do You Love?

You might be disappointed by seeing the last search result snapshot, but when running mashups this happens, though, when the developer is Google, you might surely be expecting better stuff. Let’s how much love it will get from the readers. Worth trying definitely. BTW: The widgets are placed randomly in the result page, so you may see different arrangement of widgets every time you make a new search of refresh the page.


Image Curtsey :

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