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Tag Archives: crime thriller

Cast a Long Shadow by Sanghmitra Sharma | Book Review

Cast a Long Shadow by Sanghmitra Sharma | Book Cover

Crime fiction is one of the most popular genres and books in this category sell by millions around the world. Readers have fallen in love with detectives created by their favourite writers and follow their adventures with avid interest. Here at Team Thinkerviews, we are always adding a variety of books to our kindle collection and that includes a lot ... Read More »

The Mystery Of The School On Fire By Ravi Subramanian | Book Review

The Mystery Of The School On Fire (The SMS Detective Agency Book 1) By Ravi Subramanian | Book Cover

Childhood and growing years are an amazing part of the life. While growing up, we live in the world of fantasy and in addition to mythological and inspirational tales, we often love to explore the adventures. The popularity of Sherlock Holmes, Byomkesh Bakshi, Feluda, The Famous Five, and even Harry Potter, Narnia and other such book series are a proof ... Read More »

Saboteur By R V Raman | Book Review

Saboteur By R V Raman | Book Cover

To most of us, the world of big money is a mystery. Our interactions are limited to our bank transactions, bill payments, savings, loans, etc. as part of our day-to-day lives. But when it comes to finance at corporate levels, there are many layers and intricacies involved. There are also always people who are smart, but not very ethical, who ... Read More »

The Moonlight Palace by Liz Rosenberg | Book Review

The Moonlight Palace by Liz Rosenberg | Book Cover

How lucky we are as readers to live in this cosmopolitan world where your Kindle can bring you a slice of anywhere in the world and any splinter of time in that world. As you know, I am fond of audiobooks and always trying something or the other there. This book by Liz Rosenberg has been featuring on Kindle Unlimited ... Read More »

Deja Karma By Vish Dhamija | Book Review

Deja Karma By Vish Dhamija | Book Review

Do you love reading thrillers? I do. Actually, all our teammates at ThinkerViews do. 🙂 Reading books by Vish Dhamija, thus, is always a pleasure. A while ago, we bought the Kindle Edition of Deja Karma, a legal thriller by him at a very attractive price, and it was in our “to be read” list since then. Recently, I got ... Read More »

Alex Rider by Anthony Horowitz | Books | TV Series | Personal Views

Alex Rider - Stormbreaker - by Anthony Horowitz | Book Cover

Here on the ThinkerViews platform we love to explore all genres and popular entertaining stories. While there are heaps of books and TV shows targeted at teen girls, teen boys also have a lot aimed at their minds and their pocket money – be it video games, computer games, television and web shows and good old fashioned adventure books. A ... Read More »