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Here are our personal and unbiased reviews for various Hindi TV serials available on DVD. Having a TV serial available on a set of DVDs not only gives you freedom to watch it as many times as you like, but it also provides an opportunity for the ones who missed it when originally aired. It often proves the source of inspiration, or makes you relaxed when not in good mood, or revisit the history or even let you begin your spiritual journey.

A Brahmin And Three Crooks – PanchaTantra Tale – DVD Reviews

PanchTantra Hindi TV Serial DVD Set

Once upon a time, somewhere in ancient India, there was a Brahmin living. His wife was complaining him on the regular bases about their poverty. They were running short on fulfilling their own basic livelihood, including food. The Brahmin decides to do a Yagna (a ritual) to make the God happy and help him improve his living standards. Though he ... Read More »

Wrong Intentions – Story From PanchTantra TV Serial On DVD Views And Reviews

PanchTantra Hindi TV Serial DVD Set

The next tale is about wrong intentions (“Neeyat Mein Khot”). Once upon a time, somewhere in India, there were two friends named DharmaBuddhi and PaapBuddhi were living. Both are having the qualities reflecting their names. DharmaBuddhi was all the way genuine fellow with all good qualities and PaapBuddhi was greedy, selfish and coward. In spite of having contrast persona both ... Read More »

The Shopkeeper And His Weighting Scale – PanchTantra TV Serial On DVD Views And Reviews

PanchTantra Hindi TV Serial DVD Set

The next tale in PanchTantra (PanchaTantra) is titled “Jaise Ko Taisa” (Tit For Tat). Once upon a time somewhere in India, there was a Shopkeeper (Baniya) living. Due to circumstance he have lost almost all his fortunes and left only with his scale (weighting balance) which is the only left over from his ancestors. It was made from silver and ... Read More »