Love is an enigma that all human beings try to understand and experience in their lives. It can build lives and families and it can also destroy them. It is such a powerful force and romantic love is something that is portrayed foremost through all artistic forms including literatures. Hundreds of love stories are published in India every year and thousands around the world. So we are always looking at the latest offerings for our next read at Team Thinkerviews.
Recently, we had an opportunity to read author Rohit Dawesar’s book No Matter What..I will always love you! thanks to Fingerprint Publication. This is the second book authored by Rohit Dawesar after his well-liked nanotales and his debut book The Stupid Somebody. We liked this book and here are our unbiased thoughts on the book.
Book Title | : | No Matter What . . . I will always love you! |
Author | : | Rohit Dawesar |
Publisher | : | Fingerprint! Publishing (1 November 2020) |
# of Pages | : | 312 (Paperback) |
# of Chapters | : | 19 |
Purchase Link(s) | : |
This Is Here In For You
Book Cover:
Let us take a look at the cover page of this book.

No Matter What By Rohit Dawesar | Book Cover
As you can see, the cover page of this book – the gateway to the fictional world explored within – is simple yet interesting. You can see an illustration of a couple entangled with each other and you can see mountains in the backdrop. Apart from a small shade of yellow, only shades of grey are used to design this cover page.
The author opens this world with following words:
Love! Why do we love someone? And what do we love about them? Is it the way the person walks or talks or behaves or cares about things? What does it take to fall in love? Maybe all it takes is a glance? A glance that makes us whole, transforms us into a precious and desirable crystal, every part of which glitters with the brilliance of love. But what is it exactly, this thing we call “love”?
We meet Rishi as he is getting ready for his engagement with the love of his life, Mishika. With dreams of a life filled with happiness they arrive to Mishika’s place, but unfortunately Mishika is missing.
Day turns into weeks and weeks into months, but there is no sign of Mishika. Did she disappear because she didn’t want to get engaged, did she get kidnapped, did she meet with an accident? Unanswered questions are troubling everyone. But eventually her friends and family lose hope of ever finding her back.
But not Rishi. He gives up everything – his job, his family time, his social activities and keeps chasing shadows in order to find his Mishi.
Meanwhile, through Rishi and Mishika’s medium the author takes us through their journey together. They literally met on a blind date – an exercise in their early college days between cross-disciplinary classes that ended up both feeling a spark for each other. They became friends and their love grew stronger as they studied and explored Manali. But when Mishika’s mother expired while she was on a trip with Rishi, she lost a bit of faith in their relationship.
The college placements took Rishi to Delhi and Mishika to Mumbai. The long distance took its toll and they broke up. But neither really moved on. A few years later, when Rishi came to Mumbai for a job interview, they reconnected and rekindled their love. From here onwards, they spend lovely and memorable time with their friends VJ and Ravin until the day of engagement.
But now Mishika is lost and Rishi is at his wit’s end. He has contacted the underworld people, asked help of a soon-to-be police office Kasturi and is refusing to accept that Mishika is never going to come back. He hasn’t stopped loving her and is never going to…
What actually happened to Mishika? Will Rishi ever find her? And even if Rishi finds her, will she ever come back to him?
Views and Reviews:
So as you can see, it is a story not only about “pyaar karna” but also “pyaar nibhana”. How often have we heard that “Pyaar karna aasaan hai, nibhaana mushkil”. And this is very true as time is the real test for every relationship. When the novelty and passion and romance have taken backseat and real life and circumstances intervene, that is when you know whether you will stand by your partner or whether they will stand by you.
Through Rishi’s character the author shows us someone who is determined to find his lost love even when he is receiving no encouragement or positive news from any direction. He continues to believe that Mishika is alive somewhere and that if he keeps trying, he will reach her. He sacrifices everything material in his life and even ignores his parents.
Until the disappearance of Mishika, their love story is very much like any other young couple’s who meet in college and fall in love, break-up, meet again and rediscover their love. Sometimes, people would think that if you are not married yet, then the level of commitment doesn’t need to be high. But here the author shows that once you have committed to someone mentally, it is as good as being married.
Rishi is lucky to be supported by some excellent friends in these dark times – Pyaara Singh and VJ. His parents are also supportive, but they also are more realistic as life and experiences tend to make you. The readers will also find it hard not to fall in love with Inayat’s character. Although Mishika’s is the central character, there were instances when I found her a bit unrealistic.
I liked the inspirational and hopeful tone of the book and following quotes which talk about dark times and how we can deal with them:
The unknown and the mystery hidden in that unknown are the basis of all fears in life. When we don’t know about something is when fear makes its way inside us. And death and destiny are two such things.
Knowing is power and knowing that there will always be things unknown to us, no matter how much knowledge we gain, is the biggest power of all.
We don’t have control over everything that happens to us, but we surely have control over how we respond to what happens to us.
Human beings are as good as the courage they show when the times are tough.
The author shows another important point here about violence against women and subsequent ostracization of the victims. In spite of no fault of the girl’s she very often receives the punishment that should be given to the perpetrator of such crimes. Society should encourage girls to recover from such treatment rather then suppressing their identities:
Sometimes, destiny hits you with its deadliest weapons, and that too, it hits you where it hurts the most. And at times, things happen for no reason at all, even if it’s not your fault. I now believe that there’s always a way out if you have patience, if you are willing to take risks and then deal with the consequences. You always have a choice in how you deal with things. Nobody can snatch that away from you. Freedom is yours alone.
The book is generally well-written, apart from occasional typos, e.g.,:
Page 38:
“Why haven’t you move on?”
This should have been printed as:
“Why haven’t you moved on?”
Apart from that, the fans of the author will find many light-hearted, fun-filled and romantic moments in Rishi and Mishika’s story.
An inspirational love story that talks about standing by your partner through tough times and never losing hope in face of darkness…
Hope! A feeling, a state of mind that makes your life worth living in the darkest hours of your being.
ThinkerViews Rating:
Around 7.5 out of 10.
Quick Purchase Link(s):
- Buy – No Matter What . . . I will always love you! By Rohit Dawesar – Paperback – Amazon India
- Buy – No Matter What . . . I will always love you! By Rohit Dawesar – Paperback – Amazon US
Over To You:
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One of the most detailed and well drafted reviews I have received for this book (and trust me, there almost no day without me receiving any). Thanks for taking the effort to pen it down beautifully.
Glad you liked the book. Keep reading, keep reviewing. 😊