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Devayani, Sharmishtha And Yayati By Ashok K Banker | Book Review

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Love is a very pious, precious and complicated feeling. People often mistake infatuation, attraction, lust and many other such attributes with love. Can a person fell in love for more than once? Well, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, and, no one can make a rule which everyone would like to follow wholeheartedly.

India (that is Bharat) has the oldest civilization which still exists and is the largest democracy around the world. Arts make a civilization enrich in many aspects. We love songs and stories and probably that is why the knowledge and science are preserved through the tradition of Shruti and Smruti. There is a read “Ved” aka “Vedas” are called so. The Upanishads thus are a compendium of message conveying stories and wisdom tales.

Devayani, Sharmishtha and Yayati‘s tale is probably the earliest known love triangle. In the recent past, we’ve found the retelling of this story by author Ashok K. Banker available at a very attractive price. And, we bought it.

Book Title : Devayani, Sharmishtha and Yayati
Tagline: (A Love Triangle That Changed A Dynasty)
Author :
Publishers : Westland (28 January 2013)
# of Pages : 112 (Paperback)
608 KB, 112 (Kindle EBook)
# of Chapters :
Purchase Link(s) :

It is one of the 5 books in epic love stories series by the author. Here are quick links to our book reviews for some of the other books in the series.

Today, let us talk about the epic love story of Devayani, Sharmishtha, and Yayati which is incomplete without the reference to the one-sided love story between Kach (aka Kacha) and Devayani.

Let us take a look at the book cover:

Devayani, Sharmishtha And Yayati (A Love Triangle That Changed A Dynasty) By Ashok K Banker | Book Cover

Devayani, Sharmishtha And Yayati (A Love Triangle That Changed A Dynasty) By Ashok K Banker | Book Cover

Being a gateway to the world explored within the same, the cover pages (both front and back) of a book plays a vital role in reading and purchase decisions alike.

Of course, a book cannot be judged by its cover page solely. The content within is the most important factor. The impression of the cover page, however, cannot be denied.

The cover page of this book contains the illustration of the three protagonists. The expressions on their faces try conveying a lot. While associated with Devayani, Yayati is secretly trying to catch a glimpse at Sharmishtha. Also, you can see Sharmishtha wore jewelry in her hairs while Devyani doesn’t. Such small details are proof of the attention paid by and the thoughtfulness of the cover designer.

Book Plot:

It all starts with the tensed moments between the Devas and Asuras. Both Brihaspati and Shukra are very talented and are the real powers of the side they belong to. Brihaspati is the source of knowledge for the Devas and Shukracharya made the Asuras their worthy opponents.

Shukracharya was very innovative and used to experiment with the herb. The deadly combination of his skills, talent and innovative ways of thinking made him able to make Sanjivani (aka Sanjeevani). This herb has the power to make alive the dead!

Due to this, no matter how much casualties are faced by the asuras in the war, Shukracharya was able to nullify the loss of lives. This became the biggest cause of worries for the Devas, and eventually for Brihaspati.

To overcome the situation they came up with a pan. The only way to balance the equilibrium of war is the knowledge of the magical herb. The only ways left for the Devas is to acquire the knowledge of Sanjeevani herb.

But the plan is easy to think but almost impossible to put into action. Neither Asuras nor Shukracharya will give them the secret. However, where there is a will there is a way. It is finally decided that Kacha, the son of Brihaspati will go to Shukracharya’s place and prove him a worthy student and will develop a bond with Devayani, the only daughter of Shukracharya.

A series of incidents started from this point which eventually plays a vital role in changing a dynasty!

A large number of readers may know the story and how it unfolds. But, it is worth reading than talking about.

Views And Reviews:

I like the way the author has explored the story.

Ashok has a very good command on the language and its linguistic attributes which is clearly seen in the book. The way he moves the story ahead in a flawless manner gives a reading experience you will enjoy.

The book is short and I bought it during a promotion so it is a perfect “value-for-money book” for me. I will recommend you to look for various book promotions (we also regularly shout about worthy book promotion offers on all our social media handles) and find the right time to buy it. The book is available as an EBook only.

A love story is meant to be read by an adult (or probably the better word is – mature) reader. While the author has paid conscious attention in maintaining a boundary while exploring the beauty of the ladies and the love moments of the couple, some of the stuff is meant for the adult eyes only.

The definition of a true Brahmin who happened to be a teacher is explored in the book quite nicely.

Irrespective of the differences between himself and Kacha’s father, as a brahmin Shukra could not deny Kacha’s request. It was the dharma of a brahmin to accept suitable disciple to his fold and he could find no fault with Kacha.

I completely agree with it and this is how things should be.

The book also explored that it is not the only such incident. In fact, Angirasa (Brihaspati’s father) was also the guru of Shukracharya. So by accepting Shukra he simply reciprocated and moved forward the guidelines shown by his own guru. Of course, it doesn’t decrease the importance of Shukracharya’s gesture. The author moves a step ahead and tells that:

Of all precious objects in the world, nothing is more precious than knowledge, and the guru, as caretaker of knowledge, is the most precious of all things on earth.

Very true! And to add to this, the author also says:

It is a brahmin’s dharma to live off alms as best as he can, not because he is a dog who seeks to curry favour, but because his dharma is to dedicate every waking moment to learning and knowledge. These are reasons to praise brahmins, not insult them!

Actually, these ideologies are at the core of real Indian culture. But, these days, it is rare to find such clear understanding of the same. This fact makes these lines more important. Not only to read but also to understand.

The book has some lines which are full of realistic wisdom and will serve the purpose of inspiring the reader too.

…the one who is able to ignore the criticism of others conquers all obstacles.
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The wise man is like a charioteer who knows when to rein his horses and does so at exactly the right moment, never letting them go out of control or pull on the reins too tightly.
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Everyone feels hurt when criticized by evil words, but he who is able to restrain himself from retaliating against his critics attains his goals.

Of course, you will find the first and third segments above are quite similar, but, it doesn’t decrease the importance of either.

The book doesn’t fail to convey the importance of love in any of the aspects of life:

For one may make a child, a marriage, or a kingdom out of ambition, but one can govern them well only through love and compassion.

I found the following lines (appearing at different places in the book) quite interesting

The preceptor was too wise not to see something amiss with this overly simplistic explanation.
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… beasts of prey grew conscious of a predator’s eyes fixed on them for too long.

The book has some proof-reading errors too.

Prostrating themselves before him, they plesed for mercy and admitted their crimes unconditionally.
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By punishing me thus, you punish your own daughter as well gurudev! For if I am old and decrepit now, then your wife has lost her young virile husband…

All in the whole, the book elaborates many lessons to learn. Like:

  • While love is the most importnat feeling, hate overpowers.
  • Sometimes your actions generates quite an oppoiste effect then what you have expected.
  • Words are really much more powerful then the weapons, one need to use them with care.
  • Loyalty and trust are very important in any relationship.
  • The things you’ve got forcefully, cannot remain yours.
  • You and only you have to live your life.
  • Loyal relations are nothing less than a boon from the God.
  • Selflessness is the key to life.

This book tries to convey all these lessons in an effective manner. I don’t want to ruin your genuine reading experience by quoting more from the same, so have to stop here :).


The book has more positives then the letdowns. I recommend you to read this short EBook with a vision to learn from the tale, and you will see a different perspective of the story.

ThinkerViews Rating:

Around 7.5 to 8 out of 10.

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