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Small Business v/s Startups | Video by SprinkleLab | Enterprenuer’s Inspirational Videos Series

Everyone wants to get succeed in whatever they do! There are hundreds of inspirational stories and tales about the legend who reached to the sky from no where. There is no magic formula to do so. We all know Hardworking, taking right decision at right time, grabbing the opportunities etc. are the key to success. Still those who are about to start something new, always have a dilemma regarding what to do and how to do the things so they cannot go wrong! When searching for the answers regarding the same, apart from a lot of inspirational books including biographies of some legends, we found a new video series started by SprinkleLab ( called “Now I Know”.

We decided to review the same in interest of our readers and here is one of the video from the series and the briefing about whatever is discussed there.

The video title is Small business v/s Startup with Steve Blank.

The main points Steve Blank discuss about in this 2 minutes 38 seconds video are

  • What is a start up?
  • What is a small business?

The essence line of the talk by Steve is “Founders wake up every morning saying that I don’t want to be just self employed, I want to take universe, I want to change the world”.

Below given is the link of same YouTube video.

So if you are going to launch something different, something new, something unusual, don’t shy, study the risk factors and start doing the work. Take the challenge and motivate yourself. Setup the goals and hard work to expand your boundaries.

Good luck 🙂

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