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Does Working From Home Employee Benificial More To The Company?

Internet is a revolution in itself and there are no two thoughts on the same. Now you can connect almost anywhere anytime.

With the emerging IT companies and their new generation management, a new working culture has been developed. The employee working from Home. If you think of any big company working mainly in the IT sector, have this option available for their employees.

The benefits to the company are definitely less investment in the infrastructure and especially maintenance of the same. Be it the furniture or electricity and telephones, parking and other stuffs, company can save at. The more important are the regular management costs, the petty cash etc. they are the benefits shown immediately.

The benefits to the employee apart from a good environment to work, includes saving time and efficiency. Avoid traffic and related hurdles. The cost cutting for the fuel is an aid. He/She can be able to manage home/office both simultaneously.

Of course, self discipline and sense of responsibility is must (or otherwise the facility will be revoked by the company).

Why we bring this stuff to our blog now? Well, the current Yahoo! CEO – Marissa Mayer have decided to revoke this facility at their company. From the next month, those who are working at Yahoo should have to report to the office and work from there. Her this decision irked various thoughts popping out and filling in the Internet blogs and microblogs, news portals and related sites.

What you think about her this decision? Will it be proven beneficial to the company (by enhanced productivity) OR not (due to people leaving the company by finding changing work-culture and mainly the added company running costs)? We love to hear you.

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