Home / Magazines / English / Safari Magazine | October 2013 Issue | Views And Reviews

Safari Magazine | October 2013 Issue | Views And Reviews

The October 2013 issue of Safari – a science and knowledge magazine from India is out and here are our personal informative reviews about the same.

The cover page contains the illustration of International space station giving us the hint to have a detailed article about the same inside. The Earth in the background looks good.

The inside cover page have a photo of a Volkswagen car silo (a parking apartment equipped with modern technologies). You should not miss a brief information about the same. The high resolution photo is eye-catcher.

It is the last cover page which contains the theme article of the issue – All About -International Space Station. ISS is in the news for various reasons including the questions raised about the advantages of the same. Also the changing economic situations and its possible effects (eg. cost cutting) on the ISS and its missions. But what a knowledge enthusiast interested in, is, how it works? How it was launched? How it is maintained? What is the daily routine in the life of astronauts living there? What they actually do? etc.. are answered in the article making it an interesting read.

Do you know what is a BitCoin? Well, it is a virtual currency (actually it is cryptocurrency) which exists only in cyberspace. It is one of the stuffs which even a lot of people working in IT (Information Technology) field are also not familiar with, you got to read it.

Dog is considered man’s best friend, and it proved it a lot of time. As we know there are various breeds of dog available around the world, each of them have its own attributes. Sometime we do cross-breeding to get the best of various breeds together in a new breed. These cross-breeding proved effective in several cases (eg some cows now give a good amount of milk and have good immunity also), but not in all. Pit-Bull is an example where the final output was not what expected. Pit-Bulls are the dogs having very high temper and tough to control. People often consider themselves superior then others, when they possess pit-bull. Pit-Bull seems to be harmless normally, but you can never know when it will be out of its mind, and when it is, you cannot control it! Read more about pit-bull and some such incidents. The five page detailed article shows the chronology of breeding which lead to pit-bull, making it even more worth a read.

Everyone needs a home or a shelter, be it a cave or a nest or a simple hole somewhere! Wasp – is an insect which makes its nest very logically and thoughtfully! The find output (the nest) was found so perfect that the one who see it, raise the question about the engineering abilities of – Wasp. The biology loving readers will find the article an amazing read.

We humans survive and live life at full potential due to several system introduced by our ancestors which are the essential part to build a social segment and ultimately a culture. Administration is a part of the same. Various ruling systems are the outcome of the same. The court system is definitely an integral and essential part of the society. But do you know that the crows also have a court of law? Even the death sentence is given to the guilty there? A five page article about this stuff is found in the magazine. The article is really interesting.

INS SindhuRakshak was in news recently due to the mishap it met. In – fast facts – segment you can find more information about the same, which you may not have found at other news sources.

If a survey is conducted – may be – long live – is the blessings given the most in the history of human kind! We know that since centuries people are trying hard to research the way to live longer (upto immortality). And the quest continues. May be the quest will continue forever! There are various species which live for more than a 100 years! But do you know that “MayFly” have the life of a day only! Yes, it have to live its life fully, in a day, literally! A six page and detailed article about “MayFly” is found inside which is a worth read. The following book is also referred in the article:

Book Title : The Selfish Gene
Author :
Publisher : Random House (Paperback)
Purchase Links : The Selfish Gene – @Amazon.com
Buy The Selfish Gene 0030 Edition from Flipkart

In this issue, we got more articles about the biological stuff.

The :Q & A : Fact Finder : segment contains he answer to the following questions:

  • Is it true that one can see the Great Wall of China from the moon?
  • How big is an atom? How much does it weight?
  • Which is the world’s largest rail tunnel?
  • What are the sunspots? Explain with illustration how they are created?
  • Viruses are too small to see even with the aid of a conventional microscope. So how were these tiny villains discovered?
  • What is junk DNA? If it is junk, why it is there in our genome anyway?
  • Why does a honeybee sing, even though knowing full well that in doing so it forfeits the chance of its own survival?
  • How many chemical elements have scientist been able to create in a laboratory?
  • How do the occupants of International Space Station/ISS get their regular supply of food, water and other essentials?
  • If we evolved from chimpanzees why are these apes still around? Why have they not become Homo Sapiens Sapiens like us?
  • Birds are supposed to be creatures that fly, so why did penguins of the South Polar lose their ability to get airborne?
  • Is it true that water goes down the plughole clockwise in the southern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere due to the Coriolis Effect caused by the rotation of the Earth?

The Super-Quiz section of this month is – Ten Questions about 10.

Final verdict:

Overall a nice magazine issue which gives you value for your money, and most importantly the time you spent to read the same.

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