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Tag Archives: fantasy

A Flight of Broken Wings by Nupur Chowdhury | Book Review

A Flight of Broken Wings by Nupur Chowdhury | Book Cover

One of the great joys of reading is discovering new worlds and one of the great joys of reviewing is discovering new authors who create these fascinating worlds. A while ago, we were approached by Nupur Chowdhury who provided us a copy of her book The Flight of Broken Wings, and it was my delight to read it for Team ... Read More »

The Hogwarts Collection by J K Rowling | Book review

Short Stories from Hogwarts – Of Heroism, Hardship, and Dangerous Hobbies

How often have we heard during discussions on street corners about cricketers and athletes that they should retire when they’re on top? This is very true and probably easier to do when the work needs a very high level of physical fitness which cannot be maintained in older age. But, what about the creativity of writers and their mental faculties? ... Read More »

Shelly’s Stocking Goes Missing By Anitha Rathod | Book Reviews

Shelly's Stocking Goes Missing By Anitha Rathod | Book Cover

The Christmas 2018 is approaching and the authors who delve into children special literature are trying hard to come up with something special for this occasion. Of course, seeing an innocent smile on a child’s face is something very special, and one would like to go to any extent for the same :). In fact, we love reading kids special ... Read More »

INKREDIA Luwan of Brida by Sarang Mahajan | Book Reviews

INKREDIA Luwan of Brida by Sarang Mahajan - Book Cover

Recently we are approached by Sarang Mahajan, informing about his book INKREDIA: Luwan of Brida. The cover page of the book is impressive and his offer of book against unbiased reviews perfect suit the way we review the books. So, we gladly accepted the offer. Fortunately, from our team, I got a chance to read the book, and I am ... Read More »