Safari – a Gujarati Magazine definitely falls into “magazine with a substace” category.
Frankly speaking, I was expecting the issue to be late by a day or two, as there were Diwali holidays in the last month. But, the November 2017 issue of Safari hit the newsstand on time.

Safari Magazine – Gujarati Edition – November 2017 Issue – Cover Page
The cover page gives an impression of a nature-oriented magazine with Zebras acquiring most of the space. The red and yellow flavor in the background makes the cover cheerful. Overall, an impressive cover.
I consider the editorial, one of the most important parts of a magazine or for that matter any media. It gives a chance to the editor to connect with the readers directly and represent his/her vision about the current issue and latest happenings. In this month’s editorial, Harshal talks about the bullet train. While India is looking forward to the bullet train to become a reality is comparatively near future, there is an outrage regarding, whether it is required at all? The editor presents his views using logical reasons and referring past incidents. Definitely a worth reading editorial with an open mind which talks about something from the neutral point of view.
The last cover page of the magazine tries to provide a detailed answer for the Earthquake related questions by many readers. Most of them are curious to know the answers to – what causes an earthquake and what was the most dangerous earthquake India has faced in terms of the life loss?
The editor comes up with a really detailed and worth reading article as the answer. It is embedded with illustrations, images, and facts to provide a proper account. The scientific reasons and factors are explored pretty nicely and in simple words.
Definitely a worth to read article from the issue.
Have you ever wondered that how animals do identify each other? We can recognize people through faces (and other attributes), but for animals, where each of them looks almost same (at least to us), how do they recognize their family members and tell them apart in the packs or groups? This is an interesting question which mainly occurs in the mind of any animal lover.
To answer these questions, B. M. Purohit, comes up with a 9 page detailed article. There are many unknown facts about the animal world like stripe patterns in Zebra or voice prints in many animals are talked in an interesting manner.
You will definitely think that the world is really amazing and there are many things about it is yet unknown to us. You will enjoy reading this article if you are an animal lover.
We know that the leaves of the tree are its kitchen. It uses sunlight to prepare the food for the tree. But what about various plants without leaves. We see such plants mainly in dry areas or in the desert. How do such plants or trees get energy then?
If you have such questions, the article by D. N, Kaushik in this issue has an answer for it. It is comparatively a small article. And interesting one though.
The mysteries and adventures attract the enthusiast. The desire to explore the unexplored stuff leads mankind to the new discoveries. In the similar quest, the mankind tried hard to explore the south pole. It was considered as unexplored and thus unconquered land (if we may say so) for decades. And that was considered as a challenge by many individuals and groups.
How the quest leads to something unexpected and rather sad is known to many but not everyone is aware of it. What was the tragedy and how it all happened?
If you want a detailed answer then you should read an article by Nagendra Vijay in this issue of Safari. The article is written in a kind of logbook style where historical incidents and facts are weaved effectively. The author has his own unique style to present the boring things to the reader in an interesting manner. His command over the language is evident in this article. A recommended read which is studded with illustration and historical photographs.
The Q/A segment of this issue tries to answer many interesting questions. Some of them are:
- Why most of the fruits are round in shape?
- How the areal bounary of a country is marked?
- Why the bats prefer to remain hanged upside down?
- Which country has the maximum public holidays?
- Does the members of any other species (than the mankind) have the ability to laugh?
There are many more segments in the magazines. I recommend you to explore a small article titled Incredible India to know facts about an interesting but less known place from India. I will intentionally skip mentioning its name.
The pages of the magazine are high in quality and thus they are more durable. As, the magazine contains the information worth to keep safe, having good quality pages is an additional benefit to the readers. It also makes the content more attractive and adds positively to the reading experience.
Definitely a worth reading issue which gives you the maximum return for the money and time you spend for it. A recommended read. The only limitation is, it is published in a regional language, thus making its reach limited.
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