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An Interview With Pankaj Giri – The Author Of – The Fragile Thread Of Hope

Recently we got a chance to read – The Fragile Thread Of Hope – by debutante author Pankaj Giri. We found his writing fresh and interesting. You can read our book review for this book at the link below:

Pankaj Giri - the author of - The Fragile Thread Of Hope

Pankaj Giri – the author of – The Fragile Thread Of Hope

Reading the book intrigued us to know more about Pankaj, and what could have been a better option than having a Q/A session with him? Fortunately, the things worked out positively and here is an author interview with him

Hi Pankaj,

We are glad to have a conversation with you. Thank you for sparing some time to have a Q/A session with us. Your book “The Fragile Thread Of Hope” is quite an interesting read. Please accept our congratulations for the same. Can you share more details about the response to the book?

Thank you very much for your lovely wishes. Appreciate it. By the grace of God, the response has been great. I have got good reviews from almost all readers. The sales have also been good, and my book has been selected in the Amazon Best Reads March 2020 list.

It is a kind of cliché question; obviously, you are feeling joyous, accomplished and happy. Of course, this is your debut book, maybe it will take time to be whole-heartedly welcomed by the readers. But each time we are able to follow our passions the way we want to and getting a positive response on the course, we feel, inching more towards completeness. Do you think so?

Yes, it is extremely rewarding, and you get a lot of satisfaction when your work gets recognition and appreciation.

Please tell us more about yourself, your background, your profession, and your passions.

I am a simple, reserved guy. I live in Gangtok and have a government job in the Power Department. I love to read selected books, listen to melodious rock music, and watch TV shows and movies.

Can you tell us how the idea of writing “The Fragile Thread Of Hope ” was conceived?

I was going through a difficult phase in life after the sudden loss of my father. I used to write in my school days, so I thought of giving it a shot to divert my mind from the overwhelming sadness. I fell in love with writing, and as I poured my pain onto the pages, the process healed me. Beginning with my own experiences and observations and slightly influenced by a book I was reading at that time – ‘The Kite Runner’ – a plot began forming in my mind and characters began taking shape. That is how “The Fragile Thread of Hope” was born.

What are the challenges you found when writing your first book?

It was challenging to trim descriptions so that they don’t become excessive, to reduce the usage of metaphors, and to make the story emotional and romantic without appearing too cheesy and cliched.

The book is quite an emotional read, did you need to do any research work for any part of the book? If yes, can you elaborate please?

I read many emotional books as a part of my research to see how critically-acclaimed authors handle emotions in their books. Also, I had to do a bit of research on certain Nepali culture and traditions so that I would not end up mentioning incorrect facts.

“The Fragile Thread Of Hope Title” is an interesting title, can you tell us how you’ve finalised it?

Initially I had chosen “Unforeseeable Life” as the title of the book. However, as the book began nearing completion, my well-wishers and my beta reader friend rejected it as it sounded too bland. A lot of titles came up, some themed on pain, some on life, some on hope. I was reading ‘The Kite Runner’ and there is a line where a character hangs on to ‘a loose thread of hope’. The phrase stuck in my mind, and I felt that the theme of my book was matching that phrase as the characters do hang on to hope despite going through dark times. But ‘fragile’ seemed more appropriate than loose. The title was loved by all, so that’s how it was finalized.

The book cover plays an important role in bookselling, were you involved in the book cover designing process? How much?

The e-book version of the book has a similarly themed cover with two sad people and a barren tree (conceptualized by me and designed by my friend).

The Fragile Thread of Hope by Pankaj Giri | Book Cover

The Fragile Thread of Hope by Pankaj Giri | Book Cover

I had asked my publisher to make a similar cover. They sent many options out of which the current cover caught my eye, especially due to the catchy red font over the while background and a hilly, natural backdrop with the barren tree which suited the theme of the book as you know there are a couple of references to barren trees in the book.

Can you tell us more about your writing regime? Are you a method writer or an impulsive one?

If the plot is finalized in my mind and I have sufficient time on my hands, I follow a regular writing routine until the book is completed.

Getting your first book published is not an easy job. And, almost every author has to pass through a difficult time for his/her first creation getting published. Can you share your journey to get your first book published?

I initially submitted my manuscript to traditional publishers but didn’t get a positive response from them. But I didn’t lose hope and got the book edited, self-published it, and participated in the Amazon Pen to Publish Contest 2017. By the grace of God, I got selected as a Top 5 Finalist. Then, with newfound vigour, I resubmitted my book to publishers and luckily got selected by Fingerprint Publishing, one of the top traditional publishers in the country. Then, within a year, I signed a contract and the paperback version of my book was released.

Every book affects its author in some way. How do you think, writing “The Fragile Thread Of Hope Title” affected you?

The Fragile Thread of Hope helped me in the darkest hours of my life by helping me channel my pain towards a positive pursuit. It has given me satisfaction, a purpose in life, and fame. It has helped me rediscover myself.

Who are your favorite authors whom you love to read?

Renita D’Silva and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni are my favorite authors. I also love reading Khaled Hosseini, Madhulika Liddle, and Murakami.

Which are the book(s) you are reading currently?

Dark Circles by Udayan Mukherjee,Monk on a Hill by Guru T. Ladakhi and “How to collect a Folk Tale” by Tashi Choppel.

What do you think about video trailers of the book(s) which are an almost inevitable part of marketing these days?

They are important as they give a snapshot of the story, and since short videos are trending nowadays, it is always good to have a video trailer, especially when the book is just released, as it can act as a teaser to entice potential readers.

Do you love to read traditional printed books more or EBooks?

I prefer Paperback books, but sometimes E-books are also handy.

What is your opinion about EBook readers and their impact on the generation overall?

E-books are convenient sometimes, especially when it comes to highlighting favorite quotes and searching them for keywords (which you can do via Goodreads). Also, in a single Kindle device, you can carry several books while travelling. And of course, it allows writers to publish short fiction, which is not possible in paperback format. However, I’ve realized that most readers still prefer paperbacks in India – the look and feel of a book, easier to photograph, and the ability to organize events around the paperback. I think both versions will exist in tandem for years to come.

Did you grow up hearing moral and ethical stories from parents/grandparents? If yes, how it affected your persona?

Not much – my parents/grandparents weren’t storytellers.

Please share your social media/web presence, so readers can connect with you.
Can you tell us about your future projects?

Yes, I’m currently writing a book on family secrets. Don’t wish to elaborate further at the moment. 🙂

Please share anything you want to from your end.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Thinker Views for reviewing my book and also approaching me for an interview. I’m honored to be featured in your wonderful blog.

Thank you Pankaj for your words 🙂

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Over To You:

I hope you have enjoyed the Q/A session with him. And many of your questions might be already answered. Let us know that what do you think about this Interview session? Do you want us to ask anything else to heron your behalf? Do let us know. Also, let us know which other authors you like us to interview? Do let us know your thoughts and remarks via comments below. Do not forget to share this article with your friends over various social networks via Twitter, Facebook and others. And yes, you may like to subscribe to our RSS feeds and follow us on various Social networks to get latest updates for the site to land right in your mailbox.

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