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A Small Author Interview With Akanksha Agarwal

Recently we got a chance to read – The Secret In My Blood – by author Akanksha Agarwal. It is a collection of poems written in a story-like manner. You can find our unbiased review for this book at:

We found the idea interesting. And, decided to know more about the author and her journey so far. And, what could have been a better option than having an author interview with her? Fortunately, our schedules match up and we got a chance to have a good informal conversation with her.

We are glad to have a conversation with you. Thank you for sparing some time to have a Q/A session with us. Reading your book “The Secret In My Blood” is a worth sharing experience. Congratulations on your first book. Can you tell us more about yourself?

Thank you for this opportunity. It’s my pleasure. It feels really good when your work is received well and get positive feedback.

Akanksha Agarwal | The Author Of - The Secret In My Blood

Akanksha Agarwal | The Author Of – The Secret In My Blood

I am from Bareilly, a popular town in Uttar Pradesh. Currently, I am in Delhi, though.

Can you elaborate more on your journey?

Of course. My parents were doctors. My father was a physician and my mother was a gynecologist. I lost my father to cancer a few years ago. And my mother, who is 65 plus now, is retired now.

My father expected a boy when I was born. So, my parents actually raised me like a boy. I was never restricted from doing certain things just because I am a girl. I used to have boy-cut hairs and was exploring almost all the segments of my choice. I am thankful to have such wonderful parents.

Eventually, there came a time when I needed grooming and that’s why I was admitted to a hostel for further studies. I learnt a lot there.

When the time came, I got married and settled down. It is almost 10 years now in the married life. And I am happily married with kids.

Wow, that’s good to know. Can you tell us about how your journey in the literary field started and how the idea of this book is conceived?

When I was growing up, my father gifted me a pen and inspired me to write. Since then, I love to pen down my thoughts and emotions on paper. I always wanted to do something that makes my parents and my family proud. So, I thought of consolidating those poems in the form of a book.

The idea of infusing relevant illustrations within the poems seems to be a good decision. Whose idea was that?

Thank you. Yes, it was my idea. In India, especially, poems and poetries don’t interest people more. Some readers and even publishers find it to be a kind of dry market. I am an emotional person who loves writing couplets and prose about emotions, that doesn’t sell much in the market. Of course, books by legends like Gulzaar Saab and others sell a lot, but as a newcomer, you need to make your mark, and this is just my first step. So, I need to make the book more interesting.

The Secret In My Blood | A Poems Collection By Akanksha Agarwal | Book Cover

The Secret In My Blood | A Poems Collection By Akanksha Agarwal | Book Cover

The idea of writing poems in a story-like-manner and infusing illustrations came from that. I wanted to make the book as much interesting it can be. I want the book to be read by as many readers as possible. I am sure, when reading, each and every reader will be able to relate him/herself with the feelings expressed, regardless of gender, cast and creed. But, for that, the book has to reach to them, so making it as much interesting as possible is the only thing I can do.

You seems to be an avid reader. Which genre do you love to read more and what are your favorite ones?

You are right. I love to read and I can read anything. Be it a newspaper, magazine, thriller,… you name it.

Let me share it with you that when I was in teen-age, one of my cousins gifted me a book from the “Mills And Boons” series. And since then it became my favorite one. Actually, I like romantic books more than others.

I love compilations by Rupi Kaur. I love reading books by Khaled Hosseini, especially The Kite Runner. I like works of John Grisham.

I loved reading “Fifty Shades of Grey“. What a fantastic way in which the things were explored in it. I found it amazing.

The list is ever-growing :).

Can you tell us more aobut your writing schedule?

Well, I can write almost on anything and about anything. Be it a paper napkin or a glass, it invites me to write on it! Of course, during the day I am busy with many activities, but I mostly write when getting free time at night.

My day is for my family and night for myself, my writing.

It is a nice way to articulate :). Can you tell us more about your hobbies?

I love reading and writing as you know. I love singing also. I have written a song around the same time I was writing this book. I love painting also. While I haven’t used any of my paintings or illustration in this book, I am actively sharing them on my Instagram handle. I am also on Facebook, but more active on Instagram.

Here are quick links to reach me on social media:

I have also studied mass communication. Though, I haven’t done any front-desk job for that, yet. I love to dance also. I love cooking and I love to experiment with that as well. Let me share with you that yesterday I tried something with eggs and the gravy of Dosa, and it was loved by my family members :). And, yes, I write about recipes and share them occassionally.

Wow, you seems to be a person full of life. Can you tell us about your next book, if it is in the making?

Well, it is not in the making yet, but I surely want to share details regarding it. Recently I caught with a viral infection and my upper and lower limbs stopped feeling. It was really a tough time. I had to be shifted between home and hospital. I am in recovery mode now.

This journey is something I wanted to share with the readers. I want to write about the pain a patient goes through and how it affects his/her psyche.

Of course, it may or may not be my next book, but I will write on that for sure.

Such books, sharing personal experiences can help others to understand the needs of a patient and how they can support them better. What change do you wish to see as a debutante author in the publishing industry, if any?

Well, my only concern is, the debutante authors should be given a fair chance, based on the merit of their work.

It is tough to convince a publisher to publish books that are not falling in the popular story genres. While the path for known people is quite easy if they come up with such an idea, it is really tough for debutante authors. So, if publishers think positively to support new talents, based on the merit of their works, we will be seeing many more new talents and books in different genres flourishing with some interesting content.

Do you love reading Paperbacks more or digital edition?

Well, as I am still waiting for my publisher to confirm acceptance of this book, I have got it published as a digital edition. My favorite is the printed edition. You may find it more traditional but, I like printed books. The experience it gives to a reader is really amazing, at least for me.

So, I am waiting eagerly to get my book published as a paperback edition and I am quite positive about it.

Please share anything you want to from your end.

I want to thank all the supporters, readers, reviewers and bloggers for accepting “The Secret In My Blood” and I am looking forward for a positive response to its print edition too. I am thankful to my family and everyone who has supported me in my life to be the person I am.

Dear readers, keep reading good books and keep showering your love on various reading material based on its merit.

Quick Purchase Links:

Over To You:

I hope you have enjoyed the Q/A session with her. And many of your questions might be already answered. Let us know that what do you think about this Interview session? Do you want us to ask anything else to heron your behalf? Do let us know. Also, let us know which other authors you like us to interview? Do let us know your thoughts and remarks via comments below. Do not forget to share this article with your friends over various social networks via Twitter, Facebook and others. And yes, you may like to subscribe to our RSS feeds and follow us on various Social networks to get latest updates for the site to land right in your mailbox.

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