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Make Your Own Luck By Bob Miglani & Rehan Yar Khan | Book Review

The best perks of being a professional book reviewer and that too being associated with honest and unbiased book reviewers at ThinkerViews includes “getting exposed to the books of various genres”.

Our association with FingerPrint! Publishing house is quite strong now. They keep providing us some interesting books. One of such books we got from them is Make Your Own Luck By Bob Miglani & Rehan Yar Khan. The book review provided here is, by all means, unbiased and uninfluenced.

Book Title : Make Your Own Luck
How to Increase Your Odds of Success in Sales, Startups, Corporate Career and Life
Author : &
Publisher : Fingerprint! Publishing (1 October 2019)
# of Pages : 176 (Paperback)
# of Chapters : 7
Purchase Link(s) :

It is said that “experience is the best teacher”. And, clever ones are those who learn from others’ experiences. This book explores the real-life experiences of both the authors and sums them up to provide a guideline to the enthusiastic fellows.

For those who don’t know much about the authors. Here is a very brief introduction to them.
Bob Miglani: Bob Miglani is a Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, Leadership Coach and Founder of Embrace the Chaos, an Experiential Change Company. He helps people and organizations change, transform and grow. Bob was born in poverty in India and grew up in the U.S. helping his family run their successful Dairy Queen franchise for 25 years. Bob had a successful 23 year career at Pfizer Inc. in New York where he had numerous roles creating new functions and working with customers, partners and colleagues in over 30+ countries. You can find more about him from his website:

Rehan Yar Khan:Rehan has been an entrepreneur since 1992 and has built 3 successful companies. He leads investments in Consumer Tech. At his last company Flora2000, which he founded in 2004, he gained early insights into Digital Marketing and complex operations. He brings his 25+ years of experience to his investments. You can visit his LinkedIn profile or visit his profile page at:

Book Cover:

Let us take a look at the cover page of this book:

Make Your Own Luck By Bob Miglani & Rehan Yar Khan | Book Cover

Make Your Own Luck By Bob Miglani & Rehan Yar Khan | Book Cover

It is tough to design a cover page for inspirational books that don’t look very fancy. It should look no-nonsense yet attractive. Usually, designers love to choose shades of saffron as the background color for such books. For example The Four Hats of Leadership: Be Who Your People Need You To Be by Drake E Taylor; falls in the same category and has almost same background color. The use of “rolling dice” as the representation of “luck” makes it interesting. The mark on the right top corner conveys that there are 7 “luck accelerators” that are discussed in the book.

Overall, a simple yet attractive cover that remains faithful to the book content.

The Book And Our Views And Reviews For The Same

Usually, when we review a book, we share a bird’s eye view of the book plot and our views for the book in two distinguished segments. The nature of the book is quite different and thus we are merging both the segments here. Remember such books are not just for just a single time read/enjoy/move ahead experience. You need to re-read them multiple times and analyse the things in the context of your life, surroundings and goal(s). And, most importantly, you need to act on them. That is the only way to make such inspirational and motivational books beneficial to you.

It is worth noting that the title says it all, with the word: “Make Your Own Luck”.

The concept and implementation of integrating life experiences and trace them on to the paper for both the authors when once Bob met Rehan on a dinner. While having their dinner, Bob asked Rehan casually

How did you make a $75 million dollars for investors – from $100,000 dollars, Rehan? That is so incredible. Congratulations, man!

And the answer was:

I got lucky, Bob. …

And, the book starts with a reference to this incident. This starting point makes you curious to know more about Bob and Rehan (and their achievements), and even to know more about their journey to become successful and rich, right? The answer is “Yes”, of course.

So we can say that the tempo of the book is set right from the beginning.

And then comes the burning questions:

We all work hard. We are al passionate. But some of us are just not making it. Success is elusive. Why aren’t more people becoming super successful?

And the authors say:

The traditional approach to success of working hard and following your passion is simply not good enough for today’s startup, sales, or corporate person who is trying to become lucky – to become super successful.

The motto of the book is explored though some simple and small sentences like:

Achieving success comes from making your own luck.

And the authors never tried to ignore realities:

Yes, there are those who are either born lucky or run into luck through an unintended choice… So don’t wait for it or count on it. Go get it.

Both Rehan and Bob have interesting experiences during their successful careers. It is all about having the vision to do something new (or rather we say something workable) to solve real-life problems. The task you are doing, the project you are working on, the business you are building should be beneficial to the end-users or customers. Why will someone use your services/products if they are not going to make their lives easier, especially when they are paying for it?

The good thing about the book is the authors frankly shared their real experiences (with names and places where possible). You will find references to “Ola Cabs” and people like Bhavesh Aggarwal in the book for example. These references make it easy for readers to understand what the authors want to convey.

I found many interesting one-liners in the book:

Success is about the chances we encounter and what we do about them.

The conversations about curiosity, networking, deep-learning and many other aspects will definitely make the reader wiser while inspiring him/her.

It is rare for a young reader to read the conversations as mentioned below and not like them:

I know you’ve been told that there are not a lot of jobs out there. But I want to tell you something very important. Listen closely. You don’t need a lot of “jobs” … you need to find one”.

While reading chapters you will find interesting “Luck Byte” (I like the phrase:) ). At the end of each chapter, you can find summary of the under the title “Key Learning”. It serves as a quick repetition of the entire chapter. However, the most important segment comes after that, “My Action Plan”. Of course, you will find the space given quite short for the same. So always read this book by keeping a note or handbook along with you.

While talking about “being successful” most books talk about career aspects only. This book talks about socializing, family and a balanced life. I consider it as another positive aspect of the book.


Overall, an interesting read. Not for everyone. If you love self-help and motivational books, and more importantly want to act upon the knowledge you get by reading it, you should go for it.

ThinkerViews Rating

Around 7 to 7.5 out of 10.

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