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Know The Latest Stock Market Updates | Google Search Tips And Tricks

We often talk about some of the salient features of Google, which was started as just a search engine.

Google search engine team continuously work on to evolve the search engine to provide better user experience. In addition to their imagination about what could make Google search better, they watch what users are searching for and try to facilitate the easiest way for the same. And this continuous improvement is what made it possible for Google to be the number 1 search engine despite entering into the market when there were established competitors like Yahoo were already there.

Search for Stock Market Prices:

It is quite easy to get the latest stock prices using Google.

For example, try searching dow jones.

You can also try adding Share as the postfix in query eg:

Try searching reliance share or reliance share price, and the results are self explanatory.

Bonus Read:

Well, it is a quick search tip. However, if you deal into stocks and need more details I would suggest you watch this video.

Below given is a very good TED X video in the same regards.

Over to you:

What you think about this Google Search Tricks video series. Do let us know your remarks via comments below. We love to hear from you.

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