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Reader’s Digest India | March 2014 Issue | Magazine Reviews

Reader’s Digest (India Edition) magazine’s March 2014 issue is out on time but the subscription copy reached me very late! Here are my personal reviews about this issue which I like to share with you all. The short summary is: It is definitely worth going for.

Reader's Digest India - March 2014 Issue - Cover Page

Reader’s Digest India – March 2014 Issue – Cover Page

A majority of us have habit to go through the newspaper in the early morning almost daily. And we hear a lot of people saying that things are getting worst day by day, and newspapers are flooded with the news which makes us worry! But, is it worth to worry for the majority of news we go through?! The reason to ask the question is the health risk is higher when you worry more. Don’t we hear the news periodically that so and so person shocked due to the happenings in so and so football match or cricked match, and lost his/her life?! There is an article on page 52 of the issue, which promises the information on such everyday habits which pose health risks. The article though focuses mainly on the food habits and similar stuff. It could have been better if covered some more areas. Below expectations article for me.

Here are now section brings some really nice information about less know stuff which affect the lives. It includes the following:

  • Do you know that Tokusatsu (Japanese phrase) was used before CGI came into vast usage for filming special effects? What is it? Is it still relevant? Does any company still uses it to make TV Serial/movies?
  • Do you know that there are fellows who are moving back towards the typewriters? Why?
  • We know that the huge monuments are the tough to clean up and those which are famous tourist destinations (most of them are) require more attention. There is a summarize article about cleaning schedules for various monuments.

The following books are reviewed in this issue:

Dr. Dayal Mirchandani’s article about Pain is worth a read. It focuses on the Mind over body regime.

The Internet is a boon and there are no two thoughts on the same. But every coin has two sides. It affected the English language in terms of quality linguistic attributes. A humorous article about the same is good for timepass and it is thoughtful too.

In My Opinion – section of this issue is focused on how we treats our servants. The article is good to read for the humanitarian approach it possess. And if it makes to take positive steps in at least one reader’s behavior to his/her servant, it is worth publishing.

We were talking about – mind over body – approach and we found one more article in the same segment. It was 22 years ago when actor Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The doctors at that time give him the possible life span remaining is 22 years! He is still actively working!!! Read his story and it will inspire you for sure.

It is said that the beauty is in the eyes (of the viewer) and inner beauty is more important than the outer one. They are the facts. But, most of us not only like to look beautiful but also love beauty as the matter of fact. It is interesting to see the the standard of beauty (or what is considered as beautiful) changes over place and time. A majority of people go for fair skin for example, but there are those who found dark or dusky skin more attractive. In modelling world thinner frame is considered as more beautiful however a lot of people rather found curves more attractive. The article How beautiful are you? will interest a large amount of readers. That is followed by an article focused on food and drinks which are good for health and thus beauty. The article represents some facts and lists good food habits to have. If you like the previous article, you should definitely go for this one; and if not, than also this health related article is worth the time to read.

The – Outrageous – open photo editorial – discuss about the wheat bags which are affected by natural and human generated stuff in adverse manner in godowns; and how tonnes of wheat simply becomes unusable. An eye-opener article, if the concerned people take it positively it will help the lives of people and economics both, a very positive benefit.

Kidnapped by the terrorists – is the true account of Kevin Lunsmann who was abducted and captivated in the Philippine jungle for five months. The suffering he went through is very tough to read, yet it elaborate facts. The article is not for soft-heart readers. The positive message it convey is: never lose the hope and let your mind control your body.

If natural stuff and biology interest you: the article about Sperm Whales is definitely worth to go for. It also discuss about new facts came in front, based on the study of their behavior.

James Alexander Thom (website: a href=”http://www.jamesalexanderthom.com” title=”Official website of author James Alexander Thom” target=”_blank”>http://www.jamesalexanderthom.com is now reasonably popular author for his fictions. There was a story written by him printed in Reader’s Digest in 1976 – titled as A picture of grief. The story is reprinted under the hood – RD Classic – in this issue. It is very small story indeed.

If dance attracts you and you like to know more about root of the dance, or the lifestyle it represents: the article about – Cuba and Salsa dance – is not to miss.

How to make yourself theft proof – is the article everyone must read. The article represents some practical tips to implement. Well, precautions are better than cure and having some good habits make you theft proof.

The master eyes of N. K. Sareen – is written by editor Mohan Sivanand himself. The article is introduction cum tribute to the photo journalist N. K. Sareen. Some of the nice photographs by him are printed in the issue and it is a delight to watch them.

The Joy of Giving – is an article about – Amit Chandra – who is a very good human at heart. His philanthropic work and his ways to promote philanthropy is inspirational. If everyone who earn handsome money think his way, the society can be a much much better place to live in, no doubt. A very good to read article.

This issue contains more inspirational stuff than other recent issues. It is definitely a good reading material to go for. You will find your money and time both is spent for good.

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