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Reviews For Episode 11 Of Upanishad Ganga | Hindi TV Serial On DVD

After two episodes exploring the importance of Dharm (aka Dharma) and Arth (aka Artha), the TV Serial Upanishad Ganga moves ahead to explore the another important factor of life (as per Hindu mythology) – Kam (aka Kama).

TV Serial :
Upanishad Ganga
Producers : Chinmaya Mission
Director :
ChandraPrakash Dwivedi
Starring : Abhimanyu Singh, Vishwa Badola, Rushad Rana, Jaya Bhattacharya, Zakir Hussain, Mukesh Tiwari, Vrajesh Hirjee, Sai Deodhar, Purva Parag, Ravi Khanvilkar, K K Raina, Sandeep Mohan, Umang Gurjar, Rasika Duggal, Auroshikha Dey, Gagan Malik, Huma Qureshi, Faisal Rashid, Usha Rana, Gyanesh Pandey, Dev Khubnani, Amit Behl, and others…
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To elaborate the message properly Episode 11 explores the tale of Bhartruhari (aka Bhartrihari). Bhartrihari was king of Malav and his capital was Ujjain (aka Ujjaini). He was the elder brother of King Vikramaditya.

Bhartrihari was a well known scholar who wrote 3 Shatak (aka Shataka). A Shatak is a kind of poetry made up with a 100 (shat) shlokas (verses). His work includes the NeetiShatak, ShrungarShatak (aka ShringarShatak) and VariagyaShatak. If you go through them, each of them is capable to explore his (or almost any man’s) life and its various phases.

Kama is not just about sex or physical pleasure. Kama includes wish to be happy (by all the means). Wish to earn, wish to settle down, wish to have a family and look after family’s well being, wish to get happiness and enjoyment, everything is included in the definition of – Kama.

Hindu culture have never sidelined the basic requirement of pleasure and enjoyment. And as sex or physical union is one of the important aspect to get pleasure, it was explored widely and scientifically by the Indian scholars. The famous sage – Vatsyayana – wrote KamaSutra, which is considered as the best book written on the topic till date!. Other scholars also wrote books like – KamaShastra and others. The beautifully created sculptures and portraits found in ancient caves, monuments and even temples are the proof that the actual Hindu culture have always known the importance of Kama and thus included it into the four ultimate goals of a human life.

So one should always seek the physical pleasure and don’t care about anything else?! No. Sage Vyas specifically mentioned that follow the way of Dharma and the rest of the goals (ie. Artha, Kama and Moksha) will be followed. As we had seen in the last episode that earning wealth is not wrong, it is actually a good thing. But, earning it the wrong way – or the way of Adharma – is wrong. Same way seeking pleasure is not bad, but seeking it wrong way is not proper.

One must have to be faithful to his/her spouse and enjoy (and give) the pleasure of Kama to each other honestly. That is what is known as the real – union. Apart from a right to get enjoyment, it is even one’s duty to satisfy his partner. That is where KamaSutra or KamaShastra comes into the picture. In order to satisfy your partner, you must have to know the facts about sex and its aspects, properly. No misconceptions, no rigidity, no assumption. It is pure knowledge. And as you need to develop your skills to earn – Artha – you need to develop your skills of Kama as well. If you are unable to get yourself truly educated with it, you will be unable to satisfy your partner, which may lead him/her to seek pleasure anywhere else. On the other hand you also needs to be faithful to your partner. You cannot ask for faithfulness by not offering the same!

Talking about sex is often considered as a Taboo and we haven’t seen much talked about it. This episode however talks about – Kama – in broad meaning, in proper way. The efforts of the makers to prepare content and make it presentable to the audience is clearly seen. One more thing we like about the episode is, despite of talking about – Kama – it never gets absurd, and that is one of the remarkable achievements of course.

The episode also explores the fact that despite of expecting faithfulness, its human nature to seek pleasure outside of marriage. Through the character of Vidushak it is shown that how people are curious to explore physical pleasure through extra-marital relationships. May be as wife (or husband) is easily available to have joy with, people lose charm or excitement over the period of time. And it ofte result into such extra marital relations.

Anyway, let us talk about Bhartrihar’s tale as it is explored in this episode:

Bhartrihari was king of Malav (or Malava). He was a poet as well. He got two beautiful queens but then also he was busy on his adventures to get physical pleasures from Rasmanjari and other women. One day when he was enjoying in his company of ladies, his queen Pingala came to him and start complaining about Vikram (aka Vikramadiya – younger brother of Bhartrihari). Eventually she put her point in a way that convinced Bhartrihari declared punishment of Vikram and ask him to leave the premises of the Kingdom right away!

After some time, a sage came to meet Bhartrihari and offer him a mango! It was not just any ordinary mango, but it was chanted and processed! It is capable of giving the power of youth and making one able to enjoy the physical pleasures through out the life, effectively! Rather than eating it himself, king decided to give it to his beloved wife Pingala. His vision was, if Pingala will be full of energy, he will be the one, who will be able to get all joy (of having physical relations with her) forever!

So Pingla ate it on the spot? No, she told the king that it is better to eat it after doing morning prayer at the temple. What happens then after is the rest of the episode.

The episode start with the introduction of Kamdev and his effects on human mind through narration and dialogs. Yes, Kama is considered as one of the Gods, and very respected one; as per Hindu mythology. Because, he is the reason of one’s existence. Then after hearing the entire tale of Bhartrihari, people starts thinking that Kama is a very bad thing. Which is also a very wrong view, hence it is explained that Kama is neither only good (as shown in the beginning of episode) nor only bad (as shown at the end); a balanced and wise act makes it good.

In terms of modern audience it comes with the effective messages of faithfulness and importance of skill development to enjoy – Kama – properly. A bold, and effective exploration of the episode is met with some fine performances. Mukesh Tiwari is loud and effective as Bhartrihari. Abhimanyu Singh is good as narrater and Vikram. Rest of the cast members did their work with honesty.

The episode is explored on the theatrical stage and set of a palace both. On sets, the effective use of lighting is clearly seen. The dialogs are well written. They are simple yet effective. The DVD quality is also really good.

One should not miss watching this episode which clears a lot of misconceptions as well.

It is worth to note that this episode is available to watch for Free on YouTube:

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