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Laal Neelam (The Red Sapphire) Episode From Hindi TV Serial Byomkesh Bakshi | Views and Reviews

Episode #7 of Hindi TV Serial Byomkesh Bakshi explores the story about a murder done mysteriously and titled as Laal Neelam. Laal Neelam is an important case in Byomkesh’ life for a special reason. It was his first case after marriage!

In fact the episode starts with Byomkesh welcoming Satyavati (whom he fondly calls Satya) to his home as his wife. They seems to be in the Bride and Groom’s cloths and we are thus given a hint that they got married. This is the beauty of this TV serial; every detail is there; now it is upto you that how you evaluate the same.

TV Serial : Byomkesh Bakshi
Season : Season 1
Episode # : 7
Episode Title : Laal Neelam
Originally Aired : 1993
Director : Basu Chatterji
Asst. Director : Ravindra Singh
Asst. Cameraman : H N Singh
Music : Anand Shankar
Asst. Music Director : Nanda Kumar Das
Sound : Arun Chakraborty
Make Up : Mahendra Chonkar
Dress : Pyare Lal
Art Director : Jadab Bhattacharya
Publicity Designer : Studio Link
Editor : Sanjay Malhotra
Photography : Ajay Prabhakar
Make Up : Mahendra Chonkar
Screenplay : , Basu Chatterji, Mriganka Shekhar Rai
Story :
Production House : Basu Chatterji Production for
Starring : Rajit Kapoor (Byomkesh Bakshi), K K Raina (Ajit Kumr Banerji), Sukanya Kulkarni (Satyavati), Puntiram (Kartik Dutta), Prem Rishi (Maharaj Ramendra Sinha), Kumar Shirazi (Ramanath Niyogi), Vinay Malhotra (Harihar),
and others…
Important Details, Not To Be Missed

I recommend you to watch the first 5 minutes of the episode with attention and different perspective. See, how Byomkesh
welcomes Satya and introduces her to the members of his home. While introduces her to Puntiram, he also tells Puntiram that she is now the new boss of the home. Giving importance to the new member in the home (and especially the life partner) is very important. It is the man’s responsibility to get her wife in prominent position so she get the respect she deserve. If you scold her or don’t treat her with respect in front of others, she is not going to receie the love, faith and respect of other family members. Then he, while in his room talks to her about Ajit as well.
Satya seems to be on her way to become a dotting, generous and perfect wife from her end as well. She shows interest in knowing

Byomkesh’ work and even advances her intentions to be helpful to him in his work. This is very important, a spouse must have to have interest and respect for the work of his/her life partner.

Some master-piece dialogs come when Byomkesh responds her and tells that if she is going to be his companion, Ajit is going to lose his position. Byomkesh utters this light-heartedly. It is Satya’s response which is simply fabulous:

No one is going anywhere, neither Puntiram nor Ajit.
I am hee to make your house, not to break

This shows how genuine she is, as a human being. We often see that when a lady comes to the new home, she tries to grab every opportunity to establish her importance, sometimes even by reducing the same of other members, who are already there.
Everyone have his/her own place in the house, office and in the society. It is wrong to try and change other’s position in order to raise yours. In a family, one needs to accept all the relations and be an inseparable part of the same.

Episode Video : Uploaded by Doordashan

The Story:

Byomkesh and Ajit were talking and enjoying their morning tea while reading a newspaper. While Ajit didn’t find anything interesting in today’s news, Byomkesh thought otherwise. He pinpoints Ajit about the news depicting the release of Ramanath Niyogi. He was captured before around 7 years and was sent to jail. And, it was not the first time Ramanath Niyogi was captured by the police (or sent to jail). In last 30 years he had been into jail many times. Theft, loot, fraud and many such crimes were considered as his area of expertise! In fact Byomkesh himself was impressed by the way Ramanath performed his tasks.
While Byomkesh was talking about Ramanath and his crimes, he got a telephone call from Maharaja Ramendra Sinha. Ramendra Sinha’s secretary Harihar was brutally murdered and he insisted Byomkesh to look into the matter parellel and find out the culprit. The police on the other hand can conitnue the investigation their way.

So now Byomkesh and Ajit needs to look into the matter. Will Satyavati join them? Will she give any valuable input? Who was Harihar? Did the murder have anything to do with Ramanath Niyogi’s release from the jail? All these questions are answered in the rest of the episode. Talking more about the episode content lead to many spoilers, and for the suspece thrillers, it can ruin your experince of watching it.

Views and Reviews:

Let us take a look at some important characters of the story.

This Is Here In For You

Maharaja Ramendra Sinha

A wealthy landlord from Bengal. He is the one whose secretary was killed. He insist Byomkesh to investigate the murder. He didn’t interfere in Police’ work at all. He was kind of upset due to his honest secretary’s murder and want the justice to be served. A very kind hearted fellow, Ramendra Sinha have helped many people. He have also supported many criminals to get settled into the society, when they genuinely wanted to leave the world of crime and eager to live the life of honesty and hard work.


He is the murder victim. He was working since last six months at Maharaja Ramendra Sinha’s place. He was a typist there and since 3 months (when Ramendra Sinha’s previous secretary met with his natural death) he was Ramendra Sinha’s secretary.

The characters are written pretty effectively. Of course, the original story itself is gripping, but the script writer made the characters appear very properly. Main attributes of the characters are explored nicely. And we must give credit to the director also make the nice work of script/dialog writer to apeear so convincingly on screen. Basu Chatterji was throough out in control, and there is not a dull moment in this episode. Effective dialogs mad ehis job easy.

The cameramen knows his job and hence the simple locations appears very convincingly. There is not much of outdoor shooting here. The sets/locations are convincing enough. The wardrobe is authentic. The background music is a must mention. It makes the episode thrilling and enjoyable.

Both Rajit Kapoor and K. K. Raina are fabulous. They are complementing each other in the scenes where they are together. Their body language is mesmerising. They played so effectively that you cannot imagine anyone else playing Byomkesh and Ajit respectively. Adding to the cast Sukanya is convincing as Satyavati. Rest of the actors are above average.


References to Charitrahin, 1917 novel by Bengali novelist Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay are found in this episode.


Of course, worth to go for episode. You will enjoy the simplicity and effectiveness of the episode. It again proves that once you have good cotent and talented people to execture it, you definitely can create a master piece.

Over to you:

Did you watch this serial? Have you read stories featuring Byomkesh Bakshi? We invite you to share your thoughts about the same here. And yes, do not forget to share this article with your friends over various social networks via Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and others. And yes, you may like to subscribe to our RSS feeds and follow us on various Social networks to get latest updates for the site to land right in your mail box.

Also, fasten your seat belts for the ride of another case of Byomkesh where he and Ajit are trying to solve another case, in episode 8 (which is about a Ghost!). We will post our reviews for the same in coming days.

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