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Tag Archives: Person Of Interest

Reviews For Pilot Episode Of Person Of Interest TV Series (Season 1)

Person Of Interest : Season one opening voice-over by Harold Finch

While during the days of Doordarshan, the versatility of subjects among TV Serials was quite evident, which is not the same case these days despite of having hundreds of TV channels aired almost 24×7. People who love to watch quality TV Shows are thus rightly remember those old days as the golden period of Indian Television. Of course, it is ... Read More »

Person Of Interest | Introduction to SciFi TV Series

Have you heard the phrase “Person Of Interest”. In terms of police dictionary (well, not a dictionary to be precise, but used by the police department, especially in the USA) it means a person in whom the police is interested. Now the person referred can be a witness or someone is cooperating in solving a specific crime, the phrase has ... Read More »