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hindi books

Ashwatthama: Mahabharat Ka Shapit Yoddha By Ashutosh Garg | Book Review

Ashwatthama: Mahabharat Ka Shapit Yoddha (अश्वत्थामा महाभारत का शापित योद्धा) By Ashutosh Garg | Book Cover

Mahabharat has inspired generations to read, write, learn, adapt a lot from it. Being the biggest poetry available (some latest english novels could have broken the length record) where almost every emotion, situation, problem, solution; we may face is explored with timeless wisdom lessons. All these attributes make Mahabharat the most sought-after epic, not only to the people of India ... Read More »

Ilu : Chalnewali Chidiya (ईलू : चलनेवाली चिड़िया) by Kamal Upadhyay | Book Review

Ilu : Chalnewali Chidiya (ईलू : चलनेवाली चिड़िया) by Kamal Upadhyay | Book Cover

Parenting is a blissful responsibility. When raising your kid(s), you get a chance to live your childhood again. While you enjoy seeing kid(s) making little progress and even be proud of him/her/them, you also feel the need to implant the values, morals, ethics and wisdom you get through the years. There is no better way to convey a message than ... Read More »

Rankshetram Part 1 By Utkarsh Srivastava | Hindi Book | Personal Review

Rankshetram (रणक्षेत्रम) By Utkarsh Srivastava | Hindi Book | Book Cover

We, at ThinkerViews, are always curious to explore various literary stuff to find some known and some not-so-known gem of Books. During one such quest we found a book series named Rankshetram (रणक्षेत्रम) by Author Utkarsh Srivastava. It won’t be wrong for me to say that “I am mesmerized by the books in the series!“, and awaiting eagerly for next ... Read More »

Conman by Surendra Mohan Pathak | Book Review

Conman by Surendra Mohan Pathak | Book Cover

A while ago we found various books by popular Hindi author, Surendra Mohan Pathak (aka Surender Mohan Pathak) at very attractive prices. Conman is one of them. It is worth to note that it is 299th book by Mr. Pathak. Actually, Mr. Pathak’s reader showered love and affection on a book featuring Sunil (a reporter) as a protagonist. It motivated ... Read More »

Vishvaas Ki Hatya by Surendra Mohan Pathak | Book Review

Vishwas Ki Hatya by Surendra Mohan Pathak | Book Cover

Surendra Mohan Pathak (सुरेंद्र मोहन पाठक – also written as – Surender Mohan Pathak) is a name in Hindi books arena which doesn’t need any formal introduction. He wrote more than 300 books and it is said that if you love reading Hindi thriller fiction, you must have read at least one book by this popular author. He is loved ... Read More »