Home / Books / Be Careful What You Wish For by Laura Wellington | Book Review

Be Careful What You Wish For by Laura Wellington | Book Review

We all start our lives filled with wishes and dreams. From a young age, we want to achieve success, happiness, love and serenity in life. But when all your desires are fulfilled and all your wishes come true, is your life exactly what you wished for, or does it actually turn out to be full of unforeseen surprises when everything you wished for, is granted?

These are the questions author Laura Wellington asks and answers through her debut book called Be Careful What You Wish For, published by Words Matter Publication in 2020.

We thank Laura Wellington for providing a copy of this book to Team Thinkerviews. I enjoyed reading the book and let me share my thoughts with you on the book.

Looking at the introductory brief of the book reminded me of some other stories of love and loss we have read and reviewed here:

Book Cover:

Let us take a look at the cover page.

Be Careful What You Wish For by Laura Wellington | Book Cover

Be Careful What You Wish For by Laura Wellington | Book Cover

The entry to this book that promises to take you on a journey of impossible love features a young woman in a pose we all assume at the times in our lives when we face our own loneliness and the seemingly unbearable burden that awaits us every day. The dark background symbolises the grief and darkness that the mind of such a person would be looking into.

The colour scheme and set-up are quite reminiscent of the cover pages of the wildly popular supernatural saga ‘Twilight’.

An elegant, minimalistic cover page that suits this simple story..


As the author says in the beginning it is a story of unprobable love, based on her own experiences.

We meet Evie in her home, fussing over tea and cookies and anxiously awaiting Debra. Soon, Debra arrives and both women settle down – Debra with her broken leg and Evie with her fluttering heart, as Evie starts telling Debra the story of her life.

Young Evie is contemplating her life and her current relationship with Steven, which has all gone a bit “status quo”, when a chance meeting brings Rick Remington in her life. From the very first moment, they both feel that instant magnetic pull that leads them to a relationship in no time. While the young couple is happily on their way to love, Rick’s rich father “Baron” has different notions.

In spite of his disapproval, Rick and Evie get married, start the business they have been thinking about and eventually have four beautiful children. Their life together is almost perfect. Except for Rick’s health. Rick suffers from Crohn’s disease and Rick and Evie have learned to manage it most of the time.

But not anymore. When Rick goes through a surgery, doctors find that he is suffering from terminal cancer. All Evie and Rick can now do is go through the trying times as Rick continues to battle with his disease until he has to leave his life and his family.

Through the unbearable and seemingly interminable grief, Evie becomes the sole parent responsible for four children. She takes the helm of business again to ensure financial security for her children and puts their welfare ahead of everything.

But what about her own life? She is barely thirty-five with a future where she’ll grow old alone? After what she had with Rick, could she ever fall in love again?

Views and Reviews:

The book is a love story that will pull you in because of how true it rings as the author tells us this extraordinary love story which she has lived herself. On the surface, it seems like any other story right? Rick and Evie meet, get married, have family, are financially well and so on.

But what they feel for each other is special, just because the love between every couple is special for them. What you feel for the other person when you decide to merge your life with theirs, and build a family together is something only that person understands. And here Evie shows us what she feels for Rick.

At no point does she say that he was perfect, he could be incorrigible at times, but he was perfect for her. And Rick is also adorable. He is someone who has lived with a serious disease all his life and what he wishes to achieve in life is to cure death. He doesn’t want to leave the love of his life or their lovely children, and so he is always there in spirit – literally. The book does explore the paranormal and spiritual arena and we do get to meet Rick again after he has died on many occasions.

The book is narrated by Evie and she has obviously learnt a lot from life. Some of my favourite lines from the book are these little pieces of wisdom and parenting tips:

Fairness wasn’t guaranteed to any of us…

I was reminded of how strangers could uncover hidden vulnerabilities and anguish better than the familiar at times.

Grandmas can be best friends with grandkids. Mothers…. not so much. They need to be more.

And of course, she goes through so many trials and comes out on the other end, so she also shares with the readers how to go through dark times and most importantly, how to shield your children:

What selflessness really meant, including how the manner in which a person chooses to “love” becomes just as much a reflection of her own character as the choice of whom to ‘love’ itself.

How adaptable human beings were when they needed to be, including manufacturing a small “sense of control” where little sense or control remained.

I have always been of the mind that the unpredictable, challenging circumstances thrust upon parents from time-to-time shouldn’t be allowed to interfere with the overall welfare of their kids whenever possible.

Figure out what you need to do to achieve the best of all possible outcomes, then do that.

The book is generally well-written. There is a little slip-up in the narrator on page 38 when the following sentences feature Evie in the third person, rather than the first person narrative used throughout the book:

She promised herself to make this happen. Rick would certainly appreciate her efforts as well. Estelle and he had already experienced enough turmoil in their lives together. Evie wasn’t about to add any more. “There was no place for such silliness”, she decided. It was something she hoped Baron would eventually realize too.

The author uses simple language and as Evie tells her story to Debra, there is a little surprise, a little twist or little revelations at the end of each chapter to keep the book interesting. By the end, you discover why the women are meeting in the first place and an unexpected, happy, lovely turn of life for Evie through this meeting.

The book emphasizes the value of doing your best through whatever life throws at you. But above all, it tries to remind readers that there are lucky souls on this earth who find the kind of love that makes life worth living, no matter how long your soulmate gets to spend with you on this Earth…


Be Careful What You Wish For in life…It just may come true.
A recommended read for all lovers of romance books with a few hours to enjoy a truly emotional tale…

ThinkerViews Rating:

Around 7.5 out of 10.

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Over To You:

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