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Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Review

Ancient Indian literature is a treasure in itself. The beauty of the same is that you can look at it from any perspective, and you will always get something worth.

Vedas, Puranas, Mahakavyas and other stuff actually are the collection of various learning streams and documentation of historical incidents weaved in an interesting manner.

The tradition of telling and retelling the same according to geographical, social and political canvas made these pieces of literature immortal.

One such stream of the stories is that about “Dashavatar”, the tale about the ten (dash) avatars of Lord Vishnu.

In one way, it is the documented history of evolution of life.

Sundari Venkatraman is moderately popular author from India (that is Bharat). When we found her books about “Dashavatar”, written primarily for kids and young adults, we decided to read and talk about them.

Book Title : Kurma
The Second Avatar
Author :
# of Pages : 32; 1592 KB (Kindle EBook)
# of Chapters : 4
Purchase Link(s) :

In the same context we have already shared our views about the first book in the series.

Today we are going to talk about the second book in the series Kurma: The Second Avatar

Book Cover:

The book cover plays a very important role in attracting potential reader(s) and/or buyer(s) to pick the same. And thus, its importance cannot be neglected.

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

As you can see, the cover page of Kurma: The Second Avatar is moderately attractive. In the cheerful background Lord Vishnu taking the form of Kurma is shown effectively. Not very appealing, but honest to the story, I must say.

The Story And Our Views For The Same:

Usually, we distinguish the discussion about a book into two segments. One dedicated to the story and the other to our views for the same. As this book is really short and the story it narrates is quite popular, we are merging both these segments here.

The story starts from the point when Indra, the king of the Gods, was cursed by Rishi Durvasa. Actually, it made, not only Lord Indra but all the devas powerless. All the superpowers they had, which made them invincible, are striped off from them!

And, Daityas are now the most powerful beings. The powerless Devas cannot keep them controlled and eventually the balance of the universe is going to be disturbed.

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

To cut the long story short, it lead to Samudra Manthan or Amrut Manthan. The greatest churning the earth had ever seen is to take place so the Amrut (the elixir or immortality and health) appear from the heart of the oceans. Devas need it desperately to get their powers back. But, they are not capable of doing this mammoth task on their own. They are asked to get help of Daityas. With some conditions, they agree!

How the entire process took part and what happened during and at the end of the same is the rest of the story.

But, where does the “Kurma” avatar appear in the story?

Well, this great churning required various elements for the same, and most important of them was the base. Lord Vishnu took the form of a “Kurma” and solved the problem.

By the way, do you know that all “Kumbh” mela (Ardh Kumbh, Kumbh, Maha Kumbh) – the largest gathering of any kind, on Earth – are linked to this story!

While reading the story you will find references for Halahala, Goddess Lakshmi, Vaikunta, apsaras like Ramba (Rambha) and others, Varuni, Uchaishrava, Kamadhenu, Kaustubh Mani, Kalpakavruksha, Parijatha, Sharanga, Chandra, Jeystha, Airavat, Dhanvantri, Mohini, and others.

The story is written in a simple manner, so the primary target readers can enjoy it. Of course, some references are not made into t0o much details.

In the name of various characters and places, you will find south Indian flavor.

Writing for kids is like walking on a tightrope. The author does it quite well.

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

On one hand, the story introduces them to an important tale, it doesn’t bore them.

The layers of the story are opening gradually, making the readers love exploring it.

Let me quote some interesting lines fromt he book, so you can check the quality of writing firsthand.

While Sage Durvasa had performed a number of penances and acquired many powers, he was infamous for his temper. Then again, since he was enlightened, even his curses turned into blessings in the long run.
The other Devas— Vayu, the lord of wind, Agni, the lord of fire, Varuna, the lord of rain, Yama, the lord of Death and many more— walked forward without the usual lilt in their steps and stood in front of Indra, looking at their king for guidance.
Lord Vishnu listened to Indra’s sorry tale with a soft smile on his radiant face. The Supreme Father had no judgement as he lay back listening to the Deva King’s woes, without interrupting.
But then, there was a reason why Parvati trapped the poison in her lord’s throat. While the universe was spread all over, it is also held deep within the belly of Lord Shiva, where he protects it like a baby that’s in a mother’s womb.

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

Kurma: The Second Avatar (Dashavatar Book 2) By Sundari Venkatraman | Book Cover

The Glossary and God to me is… are really interesting segments of the book.

As the book is intended for global audience, the author could have named the characters in more generic form.


Overall, an interesting book, talking about ancient Indian literature in a simple yet effective manner.

ThinkerViews Rating:

Around 7 stars out of 10.

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