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Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks | Book Review

Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks | Book Cover

There was a time when computers and word processors were not around. Instead, an old-fashioned, sturdy, mechanical typewriter was essential to the writers and authors working in all areas – from personal correspondence to newspapers to our beloved books. Learning shorthand and typewriting was also amongst the very first few skills that opened doors for women towards respectable, paid employment ... Read More »

The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction by Robert Goddard | Book Review

The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction by Robert Goddard | Book Cover

The readers of layered, complicated mysteries are familiar with author Robert Goddard’s works which have been tantalising readers for many years now. He takes on secrets, myths, rumours and conspiracy theories and weaves those into thrilling reads with characters chasing shadows and danger. In 2020, he started a new series which is almost a merger of his thrillers with classic ... Read More »

Independence by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni | Book Review

Independence by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni | Book Cover

Author Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni has been loved by readers for decades now for her lovely stories featuring women from the worlds old and new. Her books feature journeys of discovery for her characters as they search for their roots as well as their dreams. Here, at Thinkerviews platform we have reviewed following books from this author: Mistress of Spices Arranged ... Read More »

Aru Shah and The Nectar of Immortality – Book 5 of the Pandava Series | Book Review

Aru Shah and The Nectar of Immortality - Book 5 of the Pandava Series | Book Page

Author Roshani Chokshi has created a niche for herself with her multiple series of works targeted at young adults featuring characters reminiscent of fairy tales from all around the world. As part of the Rick Riordan presents series, she has been writing the Pandava series that follows the journey of young heroines as they traverse the magical Otherworld and its ... Read More »

Rose: Future Heart By Jazalyn | Book Review

Rose: Future Heart By Jazalyn | Book Cover

Do you love getting lost in the world of poems and poetries?! It is a virtual world of emotions, sentiments and fantasies, that appeal many of us. It is a well-known perception that emotional people are attracted towards it more willfully. Of course, there are exceptions and we have also seen people who are considered of thick-skin, are also attracted ... Read More »

A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute | Book Review

A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute | Book Cover

All readers are asked at one point in time or another why they read? Answers vary from reader to reader but I think all readers find that the books serve as an easiest medium that will take you away from one life and let you into another world in no time. There is a reason why some books survive for ... Read More »