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Akbar Birbal – TV Serial on DVD

Akbar Birbal - Hindi TV Serial DVD

It would be very rare to find a person in India who hasn’t heard of the witty tales of Akbar and Birbal at one stage or another in his/her childhood. The tales are so much popular because of the following reasons: 1. It explains that knowledge is power. 2. Wit is the greatest asset. 3. Wit helps to rise a person from the ... Read More »

Episode 1 – Akbar And Birbal – TV Serial

Akbar Birbal - Hindi TV Serial DVD

It begins with the briefing about Akbar & Birbal and their tales. After that it starts with how Akbar and Birbal met for the first time and their journey onwards. Akbar was not only the ruler, but he was a responsible ruler. Who knew that the “greater power comes with greater responsibility”. He was actually keen and devoted to discharge ... Read More »