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Twilight: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer | Book Review

Continuing from Bella’s encounter with Volturi, besides her personal problems including an estrangement from Jacob and grounding from her father, Bella’s biggest worry is to convince Edward on converting her into a vampire and save his family from the Volturi’s punishment. Read More »

Steve Jobs: A Biography : Book is set to launch | News

Steve Jobs is an inspiration for a lot many people around the world. His life is a journey of boy with almost nothing, have achieved the remarkable stuff. we are not talking only wealth here, but the reputation, the determination and other qualities do count as well. Who forget his immortal speech at convocation ceremony at Stanford University, in which ... Read More »

Book Reviews for A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns is yet another tribute by Khaled Hosseini to Afghanistan and its people. To the fact that life goes on even in worst of circumstances, be it personnel tragedies or a raging war around. (Image Curtsey: Khaled Hosseini press kit) Book Title : A Thousand Splendid Suns Author : Khaled Hosseini Publisher : Bloomsbury # of Pages ... Read More »